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Jones County, North Carolina
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Total Records: 87
11785 - 1786 List of Deeds Proved in Jones Co. Martha Thayer
2Askew, Amos - Bynum, Lewis 1859 Ben Askew
3Askew, Amos Sr. - Askew, Amos Jr. 1858 Ben Askew
4Askew, Benjamin - Askew, Josiah 1822 Ben Askew
5Askew, Benjamin - Bryan, Lewis 1861 Ben Askew
6Askew, Elizabeth - Bryan, Lewis 1843 Ben Askew
7Askew, Nathan - Waters, John A.J. 1856 Ben Askew
8Askey, Zaddock - McDaniel, William 1813 Ben Askew
9Branson, Vinson - Brown, Edward & Jemimah 1785 Fran Chancellor The Registry
10Branson, Vinson - Brown, Edward & Jemimiah May 14, 1785 Fran Chancellor The Registry
11Bright, Simon - Broom, Chance 1784 Carolyn Shank
12Brock, William - Rhodes, James 1793 Sloan S. Mason The Registry
13Brown, Howell - Kincey Joseph 1779 Carolyn Shank
14Cannady, John - Isler, William (Exec. To John Isler) 5 23, 1823  Sloan MasonThe Registry
15Cobb, Jesse - Mew, Phillip 1787 Carolyn Shank
16Crutchfield, Richard - Crutchfield, Anne 1799 Richard Crotwell
17Cutherall, Jesse M. - Huggins, Susan K. 1858 Guy Potts The Registry
18Fordham, Benjamin - Gooding, Daniel 1784 Carolyn Shank
19Foy, Thomas - Foy, James Sr. January 25, 1798 Connie Ardrey
20Franks, John - Gregory, Mathew 1783 Carolyn Shank
21Harget, Frederick Jr. - Daniel Miller, 1797 Sloan S. Mason The Registry
22Harrison, Sharp Reynolds Speight - Speight, Sharp 9 23, 1820  Sloan MasonThe Registry
23Hatch, Lemuel - Lanier, William & Mary 1790 Carolyn Shank
24Heritage, William Patent 1813 Connie Ardrey
25Hines, Owen & Willis - Hines, Charles 1787 Frances Weeks
26Hooten, Lydia - Tilghman, Alexander & Susan A. 1901    Sloan S. Mason The Registry
27Huggins, Jacob - Melton, Joseph 1788 J Harwell
28Isler, William (Exec. To John Isler) - Sutton, John 5 22, 1823  Sloan MasonThe Registry
29Jarman, John - Rhodes, James 1817   Sloan S. Mason The Registry
30Jones, Jonas - Rhodes, James 1819  Sloan S. Mason The Registry
31Kinsey, Joseph Deeds Sloan S. Mason The Registry
32Laroque, F. H. - Williams, & Missillier 1846 Ouida Allison
33Loftin, Wm C. = Tilghman, Alexander 1854 Ben Askew
34Markland, John Land Grant 1792 Carolyn Shank
35Mauldin, Tucker - Markland, Charles 1784 Carolyn Shank
36Miller, Edwin Lawrence Collection 1765-1848 N.C. Archives
37Nobles, Verdie Collection (Pre-1800) Francis R. Hodges
38North Carolina, State Of - Rhodes, Jacob 1798  Sloan S. Mason The Registry
39North Carolina, State Of - Rhodes, Jacob 1799   Sloan S. Mason The Registry
40Rhodes, Benjamin - Cox, Owen B. 1833 Sloan S. Mason The Registry
41Rhodes, Benjamin - Jones Sr., Jonas 1833 Sloan S. Mason The Registry
42Rhodes, Jacob - Rhodes, James 1805  Sloan Mason The Registry
43Rhodes, Jacob - Rhodes, Joseph T. 1832  Sloan S. Mason The Registry
44Rhodes, Jacob - Rhodes, William 1815  Sloan S. Mason The Registry
45Rhodes, Jacob - Williams, Fountain 1799   Sloan Mason The Registry
46Rhodes, Jacob - Williams, John 1789 Sloan S. Mason The Registry
47Rhodes, Jacob Land Grant 1795   Sloan S. Mason The Registry
48Rhodes, Jacob Land Survey1778 Sloan S. Mason The Registry
49Rhodes, James - Rhodes, Jonas 1805  Sloan Mason The Registry
50Rhodes, James J. - Barrus, Roscoe 1848  Sloan S. Mason The Registry
51Rhodes, James J. - Cox, Owen B. 1832  Sloan S. Mason The Registry
52Rhodes, James J. - Cox, Owen B. 1836   Sloan S. Mason The Registry
53Rhodes, James J. - Higgins, Wiley F. And Adam Andrews 1848  Sloan S. Mason The Registry
54Rhodes, James J. - Rhodes, Benjamin 1833   Sloan S. Mason The Registry
55Rhodes, James Sr. - Rhodes Jr., Henry 1823   Sloan S. Mason The Registry
56Rhodes, Joseph & Mary - Heath, John T. & Casarine 1875   Sloan S. Mason The Registry
57Rhodes, Joseph T. - Cox, Owen B. 1833  Sloan S. Mason The Registry
58Rhodes, Levi - Koonce, Mary & Richard H. 1866   Sloan S. Mason The Registry
59Rhodes, Levi J. - Banks, Cora, Claud & Effie 1893   Sloan S. Mason The Registry
60Rhodes, Levi J. - Quinn, Barbary F. 1876    Sloan S. Mason The Registry
61Rhodes, Levi J. - Rhodes, Alchron L. 1893    Sloan S. Mason The Registry
62Rhodes, Levi J. - Rhodes, Brantley F. 1871  Sloan S. Mason The Registry
63Rhodes, Levi J. - Rhodes, Robert L. 1893   Sloan S. Mason The Registry
64Rhodes, Levi J. Homestead Application 1869  Sloan S. Mason The Registry
65Rhodes, William - Rhods, Jacob 1809     Sloan Mason The Registry
66Rhodes, William Sr. - Rhodes, James 1817   Sloan S. Mason The Registry
67Rhodes, William, Jacob & Sarah - Rhodes, James 1818   Sloan S. Mason The Registry
68Rhods, Joseph T. - Kincy, Lewis 1833  Sloan S. Mason The Registry
69Simmons, Abraham (deceased) - Simmons, Heirs Et Al (Lot Divisions) 10 28, 1858 Martha Mewborne
70Simmons, Daniel - Daughety, Absolom 1795 Guy Potts The Registry
71Simmons, Lemuel J. (deceased) - Vause, Elizabeth (daughter - Proof Of Land Ownership) 6 1, 1911 Martha Mewborne
72Small, Joseph - Westbrook, Edmund 1832 Martha Thayer
73Spight, Simon - Chance & Mason & Broom 1784 Laura Spence
74Stanley, Elenor - Jarman, John 1811 Ben Askew
75Stroud, John L. & B. B. - Rhodes, Brantley F. & Sarah A. 1873   Sloan S. Mason The Registry
76Thigpen, Miles - Fountain, Nathan 1809 Christine G. Thacker
77Turner, Jacob - Spence, Insel 1788  Sloan S. Mason The Registry
78Turner, William - Mainer, Jacob 1800 Russell King
79Westbrook, Benjamin - Westbrook, Harmon 1845   Sloan S. Mason The Registry
80Westbrook, Harman - Rhodes, James F. 1845   Sloan S. Mason The Registry
81Westbrook, John - Westbrook, Harmon 1839  Sloan S. Mason The Registry
82Weston, Bently & Delila Rhodes - Cox, Owen B. 1832  Sloan S. Mason The Registry
83Weston, Bently & Delila Rhodes - Jones, Sr., Jonas 1833  Sloan S. Mason The Registry
84Whitfield, Bryan - Lamberth, Aaron 1795 Guy Potts The Registry
85Williams & Missillier To F. H. Laroque 1845 Ouida Allison
86Williams, Fountain - Rhodes, Jacob 1799   Sloan Mason The Registry
87Williams, Fountain - Roads, James Sr. 1812  Sloan S. Mason The Registry

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