Jones County NcArchives Court.....Heritage - Deceased, William 1813
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Connie Ardrey n/a January 31, 2008, 7:08 pm

Source: Carolina Federal Republican
Written: 1813

11 Sep 1813


Whereas the late William Heritage, obtained a grant for six hundred and forty 
acres of land in Jones County, (formerly Craven) lying on Beverdam branch, 
bearing date 22nd December 1759, and by the last will and testament of the 
said William Heritage, the above mentioned Tract of Land was sold to Samuel 
Hill, by deed bearing date 9th June 1769, by his Executors to wit, Richard 
Caswell, Heneage Heritage and John Heritage. And whereas the above mention 
land has since been conveyed to the subscriber, and he presumes that the said 
Pattent is among the antiquated papers of the said William Heritage deceased, 
or his Executors, the latest information that I have of it was in the hands of 
Richard Caswell, Esquire. Whomsoever will deliver the said Pattent with the 
plot thereon annexed to the subscriber, or to Edward Graham esq. of the town 
of Newbern, shall receive the above reward.
Wm. Simmons
Jones County, Aug. 25th, 1813

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