Jones County NcArchives Deed.....Simmons, Lemuel J. (deceased) - Vause, Elizabeth (daughter - Proof Of Land Ownership) June 1, 1911
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Martha Mewborne February 26, 2025, 8:48 am

Written: June 1, 1911

North Carolina, Lenoir County

In re Title Land of Elizabeth Vause

I, John W. Simmons, being duly sworn says that Lemuel J. Simmons was a brother of
said affiant.  That said Lemuel J. Simmons died on or about the ___ of ___ 1880,
leaving three children namely Clyde W. Simmons, Julia L. Simmons and Elizabeth
Simmons now the wife of Jessie Frank Vause.  That said children were the sole heirs
at law of their father the said Lemuel J. Simmons.  That affiant was and is well
acquainted with the lands of the said Lemuel J. Simmons, situate in Sand Hill
Township, Lenoir County and state of North Carolina adjoining the lands of Alex
Tilghman, Ben Sutton and others.  
That the said Elizabeth Vause is now the sole owner, and in possession of said land,
having purchased from her said brother and sister their undivided interest in said

That said Lemuel J. Simmons inherited the said land from his father and continued in
the possession of said land, claiming and using the same as his own to his death in
or about the year 1880.  That the lands of Abraham Simmons father of affiant  the
said Lemuel J. Simmons was divided between the heirs of the said Abraham Simmons on
the 28th day of October 1858 (see Division of the lands of Abraham Simmons, as
recorded in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Jones County, State of
North Carolina.)  That said Abraham Simmons was in possession of said lands for many
years prior and up to his death claiming and using same as his own, and that after
the death of the said Abraham Simmons, the heirs of said Abraham was and continued
in the possession of said land up 
to the date of the aforesaid Division and after the said Division the said Lemuel J.
Simmons was and continued in the possession of said land up to the time of his death
and that after the death of the said Lemuel J. Simmons the said heirs of the said
Lemuel J. Simmons continued in the possession of said lands as tenants in common up
to the time the said Clyde W. Simmons and the said Julia L. Simmons conveyed their
undivided interest in the said lands to the said Elizabeth Vause, and that the said
Elizabeth Vause and those under whom she claims have been in the continuous adverse
possession of the said lands for over fifty years, claiming an using the same as
their own.  That on the said 
day of the division of lands of the said Abraham Simmons the said Lemuel J. Simmons
was in possession of all the lands mentioned and described in the said deeds from
Clyde W. Simmons and Julia L. Simmons and remained in the sole possession of the
same, claiming and using the same as his own up to the time of his death on about
the --- day of --- 1880, and that since his death the said land has been in the sole
possession of his heirs, and now in the sole possession of his daughter Elizabeth
Vause since she purchased from her said brother and sister their undivided interest
in said land. ***the next sentence handwritten   **** That Emma Simmons widow of the
said Lemuel J. Simmons did about one year after the death of her husband Lemuel J
Simmons. Then  ?? Clyde W. Simmons and Julia L. Simmons was both  - next two words
not readable.

Signed John W. (x) Simmons

Sworn to and subscribed before me this 1st day of June 1911
H C. V. Peebles, JP

Additional Comments:
Originally submitted February 2002

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