Jones County, NC - Williams & Missillier to Frederick H. Laroque, 1845


This Indenture made on the 9th day of Feb'r in the year of Our Lord
one thousand eight hundred and forty six between Williams & Missillier
of the County of Jones & State of North Carolina on the one part and
Frederick H. Laroque of the County & State aforsaid on the other part
Witnesseth that the sd Williams & Missillier for & in consideration of
the sum of five dollars to them in hand paid now & at the time of 
executing these presents the receipt thereof is hereby acknowledged
together with the further consideration of the covenant herein after
contained hath leased & demised & by these presents doth lease &
demise a part of a lot in the Town of Trenton on Jones Street & known 
in the plan of sd town by lot No 14 whereon the shop now stands,
commencing at the line fence of the Hathaway or Huggins lot and runs
on Jones St west 17 feet thence north 20 east 80 feet thence east 17 
feet to sd line fence thence to the beginning for & during the term
of eight years commencing on this day & to end & be fully completed
on the 22d day of August in the year of our Lord one thousand eight
hundred fifty four - To have and to hold the same to this the sd
Frederick H. Laroque his executors administrators & assigns free &
discharge of any & all incumbrances whatsoever and it is convenanted 
and agreed that the sd Frederick H. Laroque is to have peaceable
possession and quiet enjoyment of the sd term during the continuance
thereof without any hindrance or molestation to be done or caused or
suffered by them the sd Williams & Missillier and it is further agreed
by the parties to these presents that the sd Frederick H. Laroque shall
pay the tax that may be assigned on the above mentioned premises & shall
keep the sd premises in a state of good repair during the continuance
of sd term and at the expiration thereof or sooner if the sd Frederick
H. Laroque sees fit to do so deliver up in repair without committing 
waste of any description - In testimony whereof we have hereunto set
out hands & seal this day & year first above mentioned

Signed Sealed & delivered }                   A.C. Williams {Seal}
in presence of            }
Jno. Shackleford          }                   L.H. Missillier

North Carolina }
Jones County   } Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions March Term 1840

There the execution of the foregoing deed was proved in open court in 
due form of law by the oath of John Shackleford the subscribing witness
thereto and ordered to be Registered

                                            H.H. Hammond  CCl


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