Jones County NcArchives Deed.....Rhods, Joseph T. - Kincy, Lewis 1833
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Sloan S. Mason August 28, 2018, 7:00 pm

Written: 1833

Transcribed by Sloan Mason
Register of Deeds
Jones County
Bk. 19, p. 184
Joseph T. RHODES to Lewis KINCY
18 Feb 1833

This Indenture made this the 18th day of February 1833 Between Joseph T. RHODS of 
the State of Georgia and County of Twigs of the one part and Lewis KINCY of the 
County of Jones and State of North Carolina of the other part witnesseth that I 
the said Joseph T. RHODS do for and in Consideration of the sum of Two Hundred 
and forty dollars to me in hand paid by the said Lewis KINCY the Receipt where of 
he doth hereby acknowledge and he the said Joseph T. RHODS hath granted bargained 
and sold conveyed and confirmed and by these presents doth give grant bargain 
sell convey and confirm unto the said Lewis KINCY his heirs and assigns forever a 
certain piece or parcel of Land situated lying and being in the County of Jones 
and State of North Carolina and on both sides of Tuckahoe Creek butted? and 
bounded as follows Beginning at the river Tuckahoe Just below the mIll and Runs S 
38 E 10 poles to stake a corner of the mill lot then S 30 W 10 poles to the Edge 
of the mill lane then S 54 E 107 poles to a stake a corner of the lands of James 
J. RHODS then with his line S 15 - 542 poles to a Red Oak mils corner then with 
his line N 42 E 48 poles to a dead pine then north 41 E 63 poles to a pine in the 
edge of the pocosin then N 50 E 82 poles to a pine stump WESTARS? corner then 
with his line N 5 E 370 poles to a small red oak then N 20 W 175 poles to the run 
of Tuckahoe then down the river to a stake then N 5 W 440 poles to stump? Jonas 
JONES Corner the S 55 W 60 poles to a stake in Sd. JONES line then S 5 E 430 
poles to Tuckahoe Run then with said run to the Beginning containing by 
estimation Three hundred Acres be the same more or less. To have and to hold the 
aforesaid tract or parcel of lands above mentioned and every part and parcel 
thereof with all its woods waters hereditaments and appertainances thereunto 
belonging unto the said Lewis KINCY his heirs Executors Admn. and assigns forever 
to the only propers us of the said Lewis KINCY his heirs and assigns and I the 
said Joseph T. RHODS do for myself my heirs and assigns and all and every other 
person warrant and forever defend the aforesaid lands free from all claim or 
claims from any person or persons whatsoever unto the said Lewis KINCY his heirs 
and assigns forever. In witness whereof I have hereunto affixed my hand and seal 
the day and year above written.
Signed sealed in presence of
James J. RHODS

Signed: Joseph T. RHODS (Seal)

State of North Carolina
Jones County Court
December Term 1833

Then was the Execution of the above deed duly acknowledged in Open Court by 
Joseph T. RHODS the Grantor and ordered to be Recorded.

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