Jones County NcArchives Photo Document.....Levi J. RHODES 1869
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Source:             Register Of Deeds Office Jones County, NC
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Bk. 24, p. 256
Levi J. RHODES applying for Homestead of Real & Personal Estate Exemption
12 Feb. 1869

State of North Carolina
Trenton, Jones County, NC
February the   ,1869
Were as Levi J. RHODES of the County of Jones has this day applied to me 
Thos. G. WILSON, one of the acting Justice of said County to take the 
benefit of Homestead of Real and Personal Estate Exemption as guaranteed to 
him the said Levi J. RHODES by article ten (10) of the Constitution of this 
State whereas I have selected the following name free holders: Jno. P. 
KOONCE, Benjamin BROWN, H. C. KOONCE, this give under my hand and seal this 
day and date above mention, Thos. G. WILSON, J.P.
W the undersigned after being duly sworn did asses and describe to the 
aforesaid Levi J. RHODES the following articles this given under our hand 
and seals.
Benjamin BROWN (SEAL)
Attest: Thos. G. WILSON, J. P.
February the A.D. 1869

One tract of land lying West of Reedy Branch adjoining the lands of Amos 
ASKEW, William BANKS & Benjamin ASKEW and other containing three hundred & 
Thirty acres more or less valued at one hundred & sixty five dollars. 
We the undersigned assessors after being duly sworn did asses and describe 
to the aforesaid Levi J. RHODES the following named articles valued at cash 
prices this given under our hands and seals this 12th Feb 1869.
Benjamin BROWN (SEAL)
Thos. G. WILSON, J. P.

2 Beds & steads 200- 6 chairs 8/ 1 chest 2/1?            $21.05
2 Tubs 5/ 2 pots 5/ 2 spiders 7/1 1 Table 5/             $2.25
1 Loom 10/ 1 spinning wheel 2/6  2 Hoes 5/               $1.75
2 Ploughs 10/  1 set gear 5/ 1 cart & gear 10/           $11.50
1 horse 500/  1 sow & 6 pigs  50/ 3 shoats? 6/           $61.00
7 sheep  35/ 1200 lb fodder  84/ 10 bbl corn 330/        $41.90
1 BBL pork 25/  300 lb bacon $45.00  80 lb lard 120/     $82.00
8 Bee hives                                                                    

Received for Registration
February  1869  at    O'clock
C. ASKEW Registor

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