Jones County NcArchives Deed.....Rhodes, Benjamin - Cox, Owen B. 1833
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Sloan S. Mason November 8, 2017, 7:15 pm

Written: 1833

Register of Deeds Office
Jones Co., NC
Benjamin RHODES to Owen B. COX
3 Sept. 1833
Bk.19  p. 306

This indenture made this the 3rd day of September A.D. in the year of our Lord 
one thousand with hundred and thirty three Between Benjamin RHODES of the 
County of Jones State of North Carolina of the one part & Owen B. COX of the 
same county and state aforesaid of the other part witnesseth that I the said 
Benjamin RHODES do for and in consideration of the sum of Three hundred 
Dollars to me in hand paid by the said Owen B. COX the receipt whereof is 
hereby acknowledged and I the said Benj. RHODES do hereby give grant convey 
and confirm unto the said Owen B. COX all my right title claim interest or 
demand that I have in the mills and lands allowed with said mills in the 
division of the lands it being the mill & land formerly owned by my father and 
come to me by his death of him as being and heir at law of the said James 
RHODES and the said right contains one fifth part of said Mills & Lands that 
was allowed with said Mills to have and to hold all my right title and claim 
in said Mills and Lands being the one fifth part, free and clear from the said 
Benjamin RHODES unto him the said Owen B. COX his heirs and assigns forever 
and I the said Benj. RHODES do give grant convey and confirm all my right and 
interest claim challenge or demand that I have in and to said mills unto him 
the said Owen B. COX his heirs and assigns and I the said Benjamin RHODES do 
also for myself my heirs Exrs. administrators & assigns do warrant and forever 
defend the aforesaid Mills and lands unto the said Owen B. COX to him his 
heirs Exrs. Admrs. and assigns forever. In Testimony whereof I have hereunto 
set my hand and affixed my seal the day and date first above written.
Signed: Benjamin RHODES
Signed, Sealed & delivered in the presence of

State of North Carolina
Jones County
Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions
June Term 1835
There was the execution of the above and duly proved in Open Court by the oath 
of James J. RHODES one of the subscribing witnesses thereto and ordered to be 
Test: H. BRYAN, CC.

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