Jones County NcArchives Deed.....Isler, William (Exec. To John Isler) - Sutton, John May 22, 1823 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Sloan Mason February 28, 2025, 10:29 am Written: May 22, 1823 Transcribed by Sloan Mason Lovitt Hines Collection Film #007639769 Page: p.600 (filmstrip) Jones County, North Carolina John SUTTON, bound to William ISLER, Exec. To John ISLER 22 May 1823 North Carolina Jones County Know all men by these presents that I John SUTTON am held and firmly bound unto William ISLER, Executor to the estate of John ISLER, Deceased In the just and full Sum of five hundred dollars to be paid unto the said William ISLER, his executors administrators assigns to which payment will and truly to be maid and done by the said John SUTTON bind my heirs executors and administrators jointly and Severally bind my heirs executors and administrators jointly and Severally Firmly by their presents Sealed with my seal and dated the 22nd day of May 1823. John SUTTON Test: John HEATH The Condition of the above Obligation is Such that if the above Boundered John SUTTON his heirs executors administrators doth make his part of the deficiency if any Should arise against the Said estate good then the above Obligation to be Void otherwise to remain in full force and Virtue. Photo: File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 1.9 Kb