Jones County, NC - Deed - Land Grant to Jacob Rhodes, 1795


Land Grant to Jacob RHODES
1 April 1795
Jones Co., N.C.
Register of Deeds, Bk 1, pg 227

State of North Carolina
No. #674

Know ye that We, for and in consideration of the sum of Fifty shilling for 
every hundred acres hereby granted, paid into our Treasury by Jacob RHODES 
have Given and Granted, and by these presents do Give and Grant unto the 
said Jacob RHODES a tract of land containing one hundred and forty five 
acres, lying and being in our County of Jones on the South side of Tuckahoe 
Beginning at a pine the Beginning of his hundred acres and his 150 acres 
surveyed and runs with his own lines north forty five west one hundred and 
eighty poles to a pine thence north twenty one east one hundred and fourteen 
poles to a stake then south f forty one west twenty three poles to a pine 
WINSETS corner thence north eighty three west thirty two poles to a pine in 
SANLIN'S second corner thence with his lines south fifteen west one hundred 
and sixteen poles thence south twenty five east thirty poles thence south 
fourteen west eighty poles thence south forty eight west forty poles thence 
south sixty east one hundred and eighty poles to a pine in said SANLINS line 
and the last corner of his 100 acres survey thence with said line to the 
beginning-entered the first of April 1795.

Witness; Samuel ASHE, Esq., our Governor, Capt.-General and Commander in 
chief in Raleigh the 8th of June 21st year of our Independence and in the 
year of our Lord One Thousand seven hundred and ninety seven.
By Command
J. GLASGOW, Secretary

Sam'l ASHE

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