Jones County NcArchives Deed.....Rhodes, James J. - Cox, Owen B. 1836 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Sloan S. Mason November 9, 2017, 9:26 pm Written: 1836 Register of Deeds Office Jones County, NC Bk. 20, p. 12 James J. Rhodes to Owen B. Cox 22 Sept. 1836 This Indenture made this the Twenty Second day of September (A.D.) One thousand eight hundred and thirty six; Between James J. RHODES of the County of Jones and State of North Carolina of the one part and Owen B. COX of the same County and State aforesaid of the other part. Witnesseth that I the said James J. RHODES do for and in consideration of the sum of fifty dollars to me in hand paid by the said Owen B. COX before the sealing and delivering of these presence the receipt where of is hereby acknowledged and for the same hath given granted bargained & sold and by these presence doth give grant bargain and sell unto him the said Owen B. COX a certain piece or parcel of land; Situated lying and being in the County of Jones and State aforesaid on the north side of Tuckahoe Creek beginning at a pine a corner of the mill lott near the end of the mill damn and runs with said mill lot N 32 E 8 poles to a stake another corner of the mill lott and a corner of the land of the heirs of Frederick WOOD Dec'd. then with said line of sd heirs N 13 E 336 poles to a small lightwood stump in Merrett JONES line then with said line S 55 W 191 poles to a stake in TURNERS line then with said TURNER'S line & Allen JONES line S 35 E 254 poles to a stump sd. JONES corner formerly called WOMBLES corner, the S 22 poles to the high water mark of the Mill pond, then down the various courses of the mill pond with the high water mark to the end of the mill Dam then a direct line to the Beginning containing by estimation to be Two Hundred and Sixty Acres, be the same more or less. To have and to hold all the above Described lands and tenements and hereditaments and appurtenances there unto belonging unto him the said Owen B. COX and his heirs and assigns and I the said James J. RHODES do for myself and my heirs release quit and convey all my right title claim or demand that I or my heirs have int he above described land and free and clear from me my heirs and assigns or from any person or persons whatsoever unto him the said Owen B. COX to him and his heirs and assigns, and I the said James J. RHODES do for myself and my heirs warrant and forever defend the above described land and tenements unto him the said Owen B. COX or his heirs and assigns free and clear from me my heirs and assigns or from any person or persons whatsoever in witness whereof; I have hereunto set my hand and annex my seal this day and date first above written. Signed sealed in presence of James D. KINSEY Whitfield TURNER Signed: James J. RHODES State of North Carolina Jones County Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions March Term 1837 There was the execution of the above and forgoing deed duly proved in Open Court by the Oath of James D. KINCEY one of the subscribing witnesseth thereto and ordered to be recorded. Test: H. BRYAN, C.C. This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.5 Kb