Jones County NcArchives Deed.....Williams, Fountain - Roads, Sr., James 1812
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Sloan S. Mason August 28, 2018, 7:47 pm

Written: 1812

Transcribed by Sloan Mason
Register of Deeds
Jones County, NC
Fountain WILLIAMS to James RHODES
24 Nov. 1812
Bk. 12, p. 327-328

This Indenture made this 24th day of November in the year of Our Lord One 
thousand eight hundred and twelve between Fountain WILLIAMS of the County of 
Jones and State of North Carolina of the one part and James ROADS, Senr. of the 
County of Jones and State aforesaid of the other part. Witnesseth that the said 
Fountain WILLIAMS for and in consideration of the sum of One Hundred and five 
dollars lawful money of the United States to him In hand paid by the said James 
ROADS, an so secured the receipt for which is hereof acknowledged have given 
granted bargained sold  conveyed and confirmed forever and do by these 
presents give grant bargain sell  convey and forever confirm unto the said 
James ROADS, Senr Two Certain Tracts of land Patented by Anthony MILLS each lying 
in the County of Jones aforesaid on the North side of Tuckahoe Creek Beginning at 
a Poplar on the Creek side near Jno. PHILYAW'S corner and runs with his line N 50 
W 100 poles to a pine his corner then with his other line n 54 Poles to a gum in 
a branch then down the said to Tuckahoe Creek then with the meanders to the 
Beginning Also another Tract of lands Beginning at a Maple on the Great Branch 
his own corner of his new survey and runs with his own line E 100 poles to a gum 
In a branch his other corner then N 80 poles to a stake then W 110 poles to the 
great branch then with the meanders to the Beginning containing by estimation one 
hundred and five acres be the same more or less bearing date 1782- all of which 
land and premises hereditaments and appertain names thereunto belonging on in 
anywise appertaining, the said James ROADS, Senr. for his himself his heirs exec. 
and admn. by these presents Warrant and for ever defend to the said James ROADS, 
Senr. his heirs and assigns. To have and to Hold to his or their only proper use 
benefits and benefit and behoof free and clear from the Just or lawful claim of 
him the said Fountain WILLIAMS his heirs exec. admn. and every other person or 
persons whatsoever. In Testimony whereof the said Fountain WILLIAMS doth here 
unto set his hand and affix his seal this day and date first written Signed 
sealed and delivered in presence of:
Witness: Simmons HARRISON

Signed: Fountain WILLIAMS (seal)

North Carolina
Jones County Court
Feb. Term 1823
There was the above deed duly proved in Open Court by the Oath of Simmons 
HARRISON and ordered to be Recorded.
Attest. H. BRYAN, CC
True Copy
B. Speight, Reg.

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