Jones County NcArchives Deed.....Simmons, Abraham (deceased) - Simmons, Heirs Et Al (Lot Divisions) October 28, 1858 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Martha Mewborne February 26, 2025, 8:41 am Written: October 28, 1858 Originals in the possession of Mary Vause Bridgewater Deed torn at the bottom right hand corner. This deed is important in that it appears to prove a sliver of land east of Southwest Creek along the Neuse Road was in 1858 in Jones County. Today it is in Lenoir County. It is not known if Cabin Branch and Indian Cabin Branch were the same waterway. State of North Carolina, Jones County To the worshipful, The Justices of Court of Please and Quarter Sessions Fall Term 1858. We the undersigned Commissioners appointed by the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions of said county having been duly sworn proceeded on the twenty eighth day of October to divide and make partition between and among Simeon Simmons, Mary Ann Simmons, John W. Simmons, Elizabeth S. Simmons, Lemuel L. (Sic – should be J.) Simmons & Sarah H. Simmons, tenants in common of the lands decended to them as children and heirs at law of Abraham Simmons Dec. Whereupon we have made and do hereby make the following appropriations among the respective claimants in severalty that is to say the lot No 1. Is assigned and appropriated to Elizabeth S. Waters in Severalty bounded as follows – torn – Beginning at a water – torn – Cabin Branch and – torn – 100 poles to a pine – torn – pole to a state at the – torn – there with the Railroad – torn to a stake the S 68 W 75 pole to a holly at the run of Cabin Branch then up said branch to the beginning. Lot No 2 is assigned and appropriated to John W. Simmons in severalty bounded as follows: Beginning at a stake at the Railroad and runs N 3 E 62 pole to a stake then S 89 W 200 pole to the run of Cabin then up Cabin Branch to a holly at the Corner of Lot No 1 then with the same to the beginning. Lot No 3 is assigned and appropriated to Simeon Simmons in severalty bounded as follows: Beginning at a stake and runs N 3 E 50 pole then S 77 W 200 pole to the public road, then with said road to the foot of the SouthWest Creek Bridge then up the Creek to Cabin Branch then up Cabin Branch to 3rd corner of Lot No 2. Then with the line of the same to the beginning. Lot No 4 is assigned and appropriated to Mary A. Simmons in Severalty Bounded as follows: Beginning at a stake in the back line and runs with said N 35 E 52 pole to White Oak then N 75 W 234 pole to a corner a water oak at the run of South West Creek then up the said Creek to the bridge then with the road to the line of lot No 3. Then with the same to the beginning. Lot No 5 is assigned and appropriated to Sarah H. Simmons in severalty bounded as follows. Beginning at a White Oak and runs N 35 E 52 pole a red oak then N 73 W 250 pole to a hickory on the run of South West Creek then up the said Creek to a water oak corner of lot No 4, then with the line of the same to the beginning. Lot No 6 is assigned and appropriated to Lemuel J. Simmons and severalty bounded as follows. Beginning at a red oak and runs – torn – to a Black gum – torn pole to an ash then – torn – to the head of the – torn – N 66 W with the ditch – torn – the run of the Creek than up said Creek to a hickory a corner of lot No 5 then with the line of the same to the beginning. We further charge the more valuable lots with such sums of money respectfully to be paid to those of inferior value respectively as will make an equitable division that is to say: the Lot No appropriated to Elizabeth S. Waters is to pay to Lot No 4 appropriated to Mary A. Simmons the sum of twenty five dollars; the lot No 2 appropriated to John W. Simmons is to pay to lot No. 4 appropriated to Mary A. Simmons the sum of twenty five dollars all of which is respectfully submitted under our hands and seals this the 28th day of October Anno Dominos, one thousand eight hundred and fifty eight. W. H. Padrick W. C. Cox Alexander Tilghman B. L. Bryan Nathan McDaniel, JP Recorded in Book No 5 Folio 422-3 Additional Comments: Originally submitted in February 2002 File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 4.5 Kb