Jones County NcArchives Deed.....Rhodes, James J. - Rhodes, Benjamin 1833
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Written: 1833

Register of Deeds Office
Jones County, NC
3 Sept. 1833
James J. RHODES to Benjamin RHODES
Bk. 19 p. 251

This Indenture made this the 3rd day of September in the year of our Lord one 
thousand eight hundred and thirty three between James J. RHODES of the one 
part and Benjamin RHODES of the other part both of the same county of Jones 
and State of North Carolina witnesseth that I the said James J. RHODES for and 
in consideration of the sum of Three hundred Dollars to me in hand paid by the 
said Benj. RHODES before the sealing and delivery of these presence the recipe 
whereof is hereby acknowledged hath granted conveyed and confirm a certain 
piece or parcel of land situate lying and being in the County of Jones and 
State aforesaid and on the South side of Tuckahoe water? and North side of 
Newsum Swamp unto the said Benja. RHODES beginning at a cypress, standing on 
the side of the mill pond and on the west side of mill land, at the corner of 
the mill lott and runs S 38 E 10 poles to a stake another corner of the mill 
lot then with the same N 30 E 8 poles to the next edge of the mill land then 
with the land S 54 E 107 poles to a stake, then S 15 W 542 poles to a red oak 
then down the various courses of the parcel? branch supposed to be S 27 E 
about 80 poles to the run of Newsum Swamp then up the various courses of the 
said swamp about 140 poles to two hollers then N 7 E 486 poles to a pine on 
the south side of Duplin road the north 60 W 44 poles to high water mark of 
the mill pond then down the various courses of said mill pond with the high 
water mark to the beginning containing by estimation to be five hundred and 
sixty acres be the same more or less. To have and to hold all the above piece 
of parcel of land with him the said Benja. RHODES his heirs and assigns and I 
the said James J. RHODES do for myself give grant convey and confirm all my 
right title and interest salary? or demand that I have in the above parcel of 
land unto him the said Benja. RHODES free and clear from me my heirs Executors 
administrators and assigns and I do hereby warrant and forever defend the 
above piece or parcel of land free and clear from my my heirs and assigns unto 
the said Benja. RHODES to him his heirs & assigns forever in witness, whereof 
I have hereunto set my hand and seal date and day heretofore written, signed, 
sealed in presence of 
Owen B. COX


State of North Carolina
Jones County
Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions
Sept Term 1834
This was the Execution of the foregoing deed duly proved in open Court by the 
Oath of Owen B. COX subscribing witness there and ordered to be recorded.
Test: H. BRYAN, C.C.

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