Jones County NcArchives Deed.....Rhodes, Jacob - Rhodes, Joseph T. 1832
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Written: 1832

Register of Deeds Office
Jones County, NC
Jacob Rhodes, Twigs Co., GA heir of James RHODES to Joseph T. RHODES of Twigs 
Co., GA
Bk. 19, p. 86
5 Dec 1832

State of Georgia
Twigs County
Know all men by these presents that I Jacob RHODES of said County and State 
and heir of James RHODES late of North Carolina, Jones County dec'd. for and 
in Consideration of the sum of four hundred and sixty dollars in hand paid at 
the before the sealing and delivery of these presents have bargained sold and 
conveyed unto Joseph T. RHODES of said County of Twigs all my right Title and 
Interest in and to the property of said dec'd both real and personal. To have 
and to hold the same forever in fee simple and I the said Jacob RHODES do bind 
myself my heirs Executors admrs. and assigns unto the said Joseph T. RHODES 
his heirs Exrs. Admrs. and assigns to Warrant and defend the Title of said 
property conveyed from the Lawful Claim or Claims of Every other person or 
persons forever and furthermore. I the said Jacob RHODES do by these presents 
and for the Consideration aforesaid Constitute and appoint the said Joseph T. 
RHODES my attorney in fact in my name and for his Own use to sell alien and 
Convey my entire interest in any Lands belonging to the Estate of said dec'd 
situated in the State of North Carolina to such person or persons and for such 
sum of money as he may think proper & full complete and sufficient deed or 
deeds Conveyances fee simple title to my said Interest in said Lands in my 
name and for his own use to make seal and deliver and further to collect any 
money due me from said Estate in the hands of any person or persons whatsoever 
and for the same compound give Receipt or other sufficient discharge in my 
name and for the use aforesaid as fully and in Every Respects as if every? 
personally present hereby Ratifying and confirming and binding myself my Heirs 
and to Ratify and Confirm whatsoever my said attorney may do in the premise 
touching the matter herein contained by  of these presents and that this 
Letter of Attorney be and Remain irrevocable. In Testimony whereof I have 
hereunto set my hand and Seal the fifth day of December 1832.
Signed Jacob RHODES

Twigs County
Personally came before me James OLIVER one of the Judges in the Superior Court 
for said State and County Jacob RHODES who acknowledged the Execution of the 
above and foregoing Letter of Attorney and deed of Conveyance and for the 
purpose therein contained. Given under my hand and Seal the 5 day Dec. 1832.

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