Jones County NcArchives Deed.....Rhodes, Levi J. - Rhodes, Alchron L. 1893
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Written: 1893

Register of Deeds Office
Jones County, NC
Levi J. RHODES to Alchron L. RHODES
1 April 1893
Bk., p. 543

This Indenture made this first day of April one thousand eight hundred and 
ninety three between Levi J. RHODES and his wife Anna J. RHODES of the County 
of Jones and State of North Carolina on the one part and Alchron L. RHODES of 
the County of Jones and State of North Carolina party of the other part: 
Witnessth that the said Levi J. RHODES and his wife Anna J. RHODES for and in 
consideration of the love and affection that we have for our son the said 
Alchron L. RHODES do hereby give grant bargain and convey to the said Alchron 
L. RHODES his heirs and assigns a certain tract or parcel of land lying and 
being in the county of Jones and State of North Carolina and on the West side 
of Reddy Branch and adjoining the lands of the heirs of John - and others. 
Beginning at a stake on the mouth of Reedy Branch and runs North 84 West fifty 
three poles to a stake, then south 89 West thirty nine poles to a stake, then 
south 1 west twenty four poles to a stake, then south 25 west site poles to a 
stake then a direct line to a pine, Barbara QUINN'S upper corner then with her 
line South 88 East to a pine  corner of Lot No. 3, then North 14 West three 
poles to a stake then South 88 East Seventy one poles to an Ash on the run of 
Reedy Branch then down the run of said branch to the Beginning. Also another 
tract of land Beginning at a fork of a branch near the east end of the Long 
Bridge?, then up the West prong of the branch with Anne ASKEW'S line to the 
corner near the head of the Long Ridge, then with Benjamin BROWN'S line to the 
back line then with Levi J. RHODES back line to Robert L. RHODES line, then 
with the Robert L. RHODES line to the Beginning containing by estimation 
seventy acres more or less. To have and to hold the same with the 
appurtenances thereto belonging to the said Alchron L. RHODES the said party 
of the second part his heirs and assigns in fee simple forever. Except that 
the said Levi J. RHODES and his wife Anna J. RHODES reserve for themselves the 
right to cultivate, use or relieve the rents of the above described lands 
during their natural life. And the said parties of the first part do hereby 
covenant and agree to warrant and defend the title to the premises aforesaid 
the said parties of the second his heirs and executors, administrators and 
assigns against the claims of all persons whatsoever, subject only to the 
reservation of the lifetime right above mentioned. In Testimony whereof the 
said parties of the first part have hereunto set their hands and seals, the 
day and year above written.
Levi J. (his X mark) RHODES
Anna J. (her X mark) RHODES
Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of

State of North Carolina
Jones County
I Jas. F. WHITE, Clerk of the Superior Court do certify that Levi J. RHODES 
and Anna J. RHODES his wife appeared before me this day and acknowledged the 
execution of the annexed deed of conveyance and the said Anna J. RHODES being 
by myself examined separate and apart from her husband and touching her 
voluntarily executed the same doth state that she signed the same and 
voluntarily with out fear or compulsion of her said husband or of any other 
persons and that she doth still voluntarily assent thereto. 
Witness my hand and seal this 1 day of April 1893.
Jas. F. WHITE, C.S.C.

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