Dobbs County, NC - Deeds - Chance, Mason & Broom to Spight, 1784


Vincent & Sarah CHANCE & Mason & Rachel BROOM of Dobbs Co., and Simon 
SPIGHT of Jones County, N.C.
7 Feb. 1784
Jones County Court Record

Transcribed by Laura SPENCE,

This indenture made the seventh day of February in the year One 
thousand Seven hundred and Eighty four between Vincent Chance and Sarah 
his Wife Mason Broom and Rachael his Wife each of the County of Dobbs 
and State of North Carolina of the one part and Simon Spight of the 
County of Jones and State aforesaid of the other part Witnesseth that 
Whereas John Taylor of the County of Craven and the state aforesaid 
Father of the beforenamed Sarah and Racheal his two daughters which 
said John Taylor died Intestate and at his death being the trew and 
lawful owners of a certain tract or parsell of Land containing one 
hundred Acres lying and being on the North side of Beavour Creek and on 
the east and north side of the Branch that is called Brash on record 
beginning at a pine and runs So 105 Pole and thence Wt 120 So up the 
branch containing one hundred acres of Land Which Said one hundred 
acres of land the said John Taylor purchased of Patrick Stanaland which 
said one hundred acres of land came by decent to Sarah and Rachael 
Taylor the now living childering of the said John Taylor the Sarah now 
the Wife of Vincent Chance and the said Racheal now the Wife of Mason 
Broom  Now this Indenture witnesseth that the said 
Vincent Chance and Sarah his wife and Mason Broom and Rachel his wife 
for and in consideration of the sum of fifty pounds paid to them in 
hand  Paid by the said Simon Spight at or before the Insealing and 
Delivering here of the Reciept Whereof is hereby acknowledged Have 
bargained sold aliend in fe off and confirmed and by these presents doe 
Bargain sell Alien Infeoff and Confirm unto the said Simon Spight his 
Heirs and assigns forever all that the afroesaid one hundred acres of 
Land in the county of Jones and State aforesaid Lying and being on the 
North side of Beavour Creek and on East and North side of the branch 
that is called Brash on Record beginning at a pine Runs So 105 Pol then 
Wt 120 so up the Branch containing one hundred Acres of land and the 
Rivortion and Revortions, Remainder and Remainders Rents Issues and 
profits thereof and also all the Estate Right title and Interest of 
them the said  Vincent Chance and Sarah his wife Mason Broom and 
Racheal his Wife of in and to the same and all deeds Evidences and 
Writings Thing as concerning the same to have and to hold the said one 
hundred acres of land hereby granted and sold and all and singular the 
premisses with t----and every of them there apportenances unto the said 
Simon Spight his heir and assigns to the proper use and behoof of the  
said Simon Spight his heris and assigns forever and the said Vincent 
Chance and Sarah his wife and the said Mason Broom and Racheal his Wife 
for them selves their heirs executors and administrations Doe covenant 
and grant to and with the said Simon Spight his heirs and assigns that 
they the said Vincent Chance and Sarah his Wife and Mason Broom and 
Racheal his wife are hereby lawfully possed of the said one hundrend 
acres of land and all others that promised hearby bargained and sold 
and are truly and lawfully sized thereof a good absolute and 
indifiasable Estate of inheritance of fee simple without any manners of 
condition     of limitations whatsoever to     change charge or 
incumber the same and free and clear and freely and clearly exonerate 
and Discharged off and from    other said Mortgages or incumberances 
whatsoever and that the said Vincent Chance and Sarah his wife and the 
said Mason Broom and Rachel his Wife have full power and authority to 
Bargain sell and Convey the said one hundred acres of land and promises 
to the said Simon Spight his heris and assigns recording to the trew 
intent and meaning of theses presents and the said Vincent Chance and 
Sarah his Wife and Mason Broom and Racheal his Wife for themselves 
there heirs and assigns Doe covenant and agree and with the said Simon 
Spight and heirs and assigns that he the said Simon Spight  his heirs 
and assigns shall and may from time to time and at all times Hereafter 
peaceably and quietly have hold occupy and enjoy The said one hundred 
acres of land and promise hereby bargained and sold as aforesaid 
without any LTD Hinderance as much or molestation of or from them the 
siad Vincent Chance and Sarah his wife and Mason Broom and Racheal his 
wife there or Either of those heirs or assigns and of or from every 
other person or persons whatsoever claims by from or under him her them 
or any of theirs and Lastley that the said Vincent  Chance and Sarah 
his wife and the said Mason Broom and Racheal his wife for themselves 
and their heirs and assigns the said one hundred acres of land hereby 
Bargained and sold unto the said Simon Spight  his heirs and assigns 
against all persons whatsoever shall and will warrant and for    by 
these present defend In witness whereof the said parties to these 
presents have     In hear to     their hands and affixed their seals 
the day and years first above written
Sealed and Delivered in the presents of Samuel Holladay  John Isler 

Vincent Chance (X)
Sarah Chance (x)
Mason Broom (x)
Racheal Broom (x)

State of North Carolina

Jones County Court March Term 1784
This was the written Deed of sale from Vincent Chance and Sarah his 
wife and Mason Broom and Racheal his wife to Simon Spight, duly proved 
by the mark of John Isler one of the subscribing witnesses 
Lewis Bryant

Registered in the Register Office of Jones Conty in Book B No 2 in page 

A(?) Harget Reg. 

Copyright. All rights reserved.

This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by
Laura SPENCE <>