JONES COUNTY, NC - DEEDS - Amos Askew to Lewis Bynum, 1859
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         This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb
         Archives by: Ben Askew
Transcribed from the Original
Located in the State Archives, Raleigh, NC
By Ben Askew,Jr

----------------------------------------------------------- and fifty nine 
between Amos Askew ,Sr. of the County of Jones and State of North Carolina of 
the one part and Lewis Bynum of the County and state aforesaid of the other 
part .Witnesseth !That the said Amos Askew for and in consideration of the sum 
of one thousand dollars to me in hand paid by the said Lewis Bynum the receipt 
whereof is hereby duly acknowledged hath given , grantia ,bargained , sold , 
conveyed , and confirmed and by these presents doth give ,grant , bargain , 
sell , and confirm to the said Lewis Bynum his heirs and assigns a certain 
piece or parcel of land lying and being in the County aforesaid on the low 
grounds of White Oak River . Beginning at a pine stump on the --------------
and running west 6 poles to a black gum in the mouth of a branch thence north 
the various courses of the run of said branch running the line of the land 
sold by the said Amos Askew to his son Amos William Askew to the back patent 
line thence with the patent line to the easternmost corner thence with the 
line of the land of the said Lewis Bynum to the river low grounds thence with 
the said low grounds to the beginning .Containing one hundred fifty acres more 
or less together with all and singular tennents ,hereditaments and 
appurtenances thereunto appretaining and the said Amos Askew doth hereby 
covenant and agree with the said Lewis Bynum that at the time of the delivery 
hereof the said Amos Askew is the lawful owner of the premises above mentioned 
and seizes thereof in fee and simple absolute and that he will warrant and 
defend the above granted premises in quiet and peaceable ---------- of the 
said Lewis Bynum his heirs ansdassigns forever-In Witness whereof I have 
hereunto set my hand and seal this day.

Amos Askew