Jones County, NC - Kinsey Family Deeds ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Deed - August 19, 1801 - Joseph Kinsey of Jones to Jesse Kinsey of Jones, 100 pounds, 139 acres, part of three surveys - one to Joseph Kinsey, Nov. 27, 1789; second - to Armwell Howard, Sep. 24, 1754; third - to Durham Leigh, Apr. 10, 1761. Signed, Joseph Kinsey, Philpenah Kinsey. She was Philpena Miller who first married a Noble.) Witnesses: Joseph Kinsey, Jr., Wm. Busick, August Court, 1803, Jones County. Wm. Orme, Clerk of the Court. Deed - Baldwin County, Georgia - Apr. 15, 1838 - Robert D. Ivey and Ann, his wife to Joseph Kinsey - 400 acres in Jones County, $400 - 1st tract: 90 acres, north side of Trent next Pollard, part of tract granted to William Randal, Oct. 13, 1765; 2nd tract: 200 acres, west side of Joshua's Creek near Elisha Blackshere's line, Benjamin Forham's corner, then to Samuel Kinsey's patent line, patent to Durham Leigh, Oct. 22, 1782; 3rd tract: 123 acres, west side of Joshua's Creek, next Durham Leigh and Benjamin Fordham. Witnesses: Lenoidas L. Smith, J.P. and George Lewes. This deed also signed by Elizabeth Ivey, wife of Furney Ivey. Bond - Baldwin County, Georgia - Robert D. Ivey to Joseph Kinsey of Jones County, NC, am held and firmly bound for sum of $800. Ann, wife of R.D. Ivey relinquishes her dower to 400 acres. Now if the said relinquishment of dower, then this obligation to be void otherwise to remain in full force and virtue. Witness: George Lewes Deed - Sheriff John S. Koonce to Imla N. Miller, Jun. 14, 1847, sold for debt of William Rhodes to I.N. Miller, land in Jones County. Witnesses: Chas. H. Foy, Charles Gerock, Reg. Deed - Amos Koonce to I.N. Miller of Lenoir, Sep. 6, 1848, $200, 70 acres, begin mouth of Wolf Pit Branch, on Joshua's Creek. Witnesses: Wm. E. Miller, F. McDaniel. ___________________________________________________________________ Copyright. All rights reserved. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Sloan Spence Mason <> ___________________________________________________________________