Jones County NcArchives Deed.....Rhodes, William - Rhods, Jacob 1809 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Sloan Mason August 1, 2018, 9:53 am Written: 1809 Transcription by Sloan Mason Jones Co., NC-Register of Deeds Jacob RHODES to Wm. RHODES Bk 3, p. 324 10 Feb 1809 State of North Carolina, Jones County Know all men by these presents that I, Jacob RHODS of the County of the county of Jones & state of No. Carolina for the love and esteem I have and do bear unto my son William RHODES as well as for live advancement and support in life & also for the consideration of the sum of five shillings to me in hand paid by the said William RHODES to Give Grant all in full convey and confirm & by these presents have freely given granted & confirmed unto the said William RHODES his heirs & assigned forever the following property - Viz: 1,000 acres of land including the plantation & improvements Where on I now live as I had the land or deed from Henry RHODES my FATHER, bearing dated Feb. 15th 1770, 30 acres Granted by Patent dated Dec. 23rd, 1798, 15 acres by deed from Fountain WILLIAMS dated Jany. 25, 1799-17 acres Granted by Patent dated Oct. 27th, 1782; 60 acres Granted by Patent dated Dec. 15, 1778; 80 acres Granted by Patent dated Nov. 9th, 1784; 100 acres Granted by Patent-dated March 16th, 1799; 145 acres Granted by Patent dated June 8th, 1797; 100 acres Granted by Patent dated Nov. 16th, 1799; 150 acres granted by Patent dated Nov 16th, 1799; 45 Acres deed from Jacob JOHNSTON dated 4th April 1798; 3 acres by deed from John WILLIAMS dated Oct 12th, 1789. A negro Woman by the name of Venus; 30 Acres granted by Patent Nov 26, 1799; 300 acres granted by Patent Nov. 26th, 1799; 12 acres on the West side of Great Branch granted by Patent- Nov. 26th, 1799; 258 acres on the South side Tuckahoe by deed from Robert WINSETT dated Jan. 2nd, 1799. The whole of my Right-Title, Interest & Claim to same Lands in the State of Tennessee for which I hold Joseph J. RHODES Bond two Feather beds bed steads & furniture two stills together with - lands? & stands? appertaining there to-The whole of my stock of Bees one half of my stock of Hogs four cows & calves his choice of my stock of cattle one horse his choice of my stock of horses the whole of my sheep and Goose the whole of my Kitchen furniture & household furniture that is not mentioned in two deeds of Gifts of this date the one to my son James and the other my daughter Barbara. The whole of my plantation tools Including carts & To have and to hold the foregoing land and other property the said William RHODE his heirs and assigns forever and I the said Jacob RHODES for myself and my heirs doth covenant and forever defend the aforesaid premises by the said William RHODES his heirs and assigns forever and Witness thereof I hereunto set my hand affixed my seal this the 10th day of February 1809. Signed, Sealed & delivered in presents of John HYSON? Ro. DICKSON Signed: Jacob RHODES 18 Jany 1810. The Execution of the approved deed was here ack'd. before me by Jacob RHODES the Grantor be Registered. J. L. TAYLOR, CSC? State of No. Carolina, Jones Co., Know all men by these presents that I Jacob RHODES for and in consideration of the love & affection which I have and bear for my son James RHODES and subject and subject to the restriction herein after mentioned Give Grant confirm unto the said James RHODES the following property vis Negro Man by the name of TONY, negro woman by the name of ALI? & her future increase and a negro boy by the name of GEORGE; two in beds and bedsteads & furniture one half? the residue of my stack of cattle after the four cows & calves I have given my son William is taken from the one half of my stock of horses after the horse given my Williamis taken off one half the residue of my of homes after my son William half is taken off Reserving to my self never the less a life estate or use of said property-if I hereto see or me give the same. To have & to hold the aforesaid Premises subject to a life resolution? in the same to the said James RHODES heirs & assigns forever In Witness whereof I have unto set my hand and affixed my Seal this 10th day of Feby 1809. Signed, Sealed and delivered in presence of: John HUPSON? Ro. DICKON Signed: Jacob RHODES 18th Jany-The execution of the above deed 1800? was then acknowledged before me, Jacob RHODES the Grantor, ordered to be registered. J. L. TAYLOR, JSC. This file has been created by a form at File size: 4.9 Kb