Jones County NcArchives Deed.....Rhodes, Jacob - Rhodes, William 1815
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Sloan S. Mason August 28, 2018, 7:25 pm

Written: 1815

Transcribed by Sloan Mason
Register of Deeds 
Jones County, NC
Jacob RHODES to William RHODES
Bk. 14, p. 179
10 March 1815

Know all men but these presents that I Jacob RHODES of the County of Jones, In 
consideration of the Sum of One Hundred Pounds to me in Hand paid by William 
RHODES of the same county at and before the Sealing and Delivery of these 
presents of the Receipt where of I do hereby acknowledge have bargained Sold 
released granted and confirmed and by these presents do bargain sell release 
grant and confirm unto the said William RHODES One negro Fellow by the name of 
TONY ged about thirty five years of age One negro wench by the name of CLO aged 
about twenty years one negro boy the name of GEORGE aged about six years of age 
One negro boy by the name of LIAS aged about five years of age and One negro girl 
by the name of GINN? age about two years and the rest of any property that I have 
not sold to him before. To have and to hold on and singular the said goods and 
every of them by these presents bargained and sold released granted and confirmed 
unto the only proper use uses and behoof of the said William RHODES his heirs 
executors and administrators and assigns forever and I the said Jacob RHODES for 
myself my executors and administrators all and singular the said property before 
mentioned unto he said William RHODES his executors administrators and assigns 
acquaintances the said Jacob RHODES my heirs executors administrators or assigns 
and against all and every other person or persons  whatsoever I have and will 
warrant and forever defend by these presents. In witness where of I have hereunto 
Signed my name this 10th day of March 1815.
Jacob RHODES (seal)

In the presence of 

North Carolina
Jones County Court
May Term 1815
There was the within deed duly acknowledged In Open Court by this grantor or deed 
that the Same be recorded.
Attest: H. BRYAN, CC
Attest: True Copy: Speight RIGGS?

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