Jones County NcArchives Deed.....Rhodes, James J. - Barrus, Roscoe 1848 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Sloan S. Mason August 30, 2018, 9:49 am Written: 1848 Transcribed by Sloan Mason Register of Deeds Jones County, NC Deed of Trust from James J. RHODES to Roscoe BARRUS Bk. 22, p. 36 18th July 1848 This Indenture made this 18th day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty eight between James J. RHODES and Roscoe BARRUS both of the County of Jones and State of North Carolina. Witnesseth that whereas the said James J. RHODES stands justly indebted to the said Roscoe BARRUS s follows the sum of Twenty three Dollars and Seventy two cents by note dated and due the 27th January 1848. payable to the said Roscoe BARRUS also the sum of Fifteen Dollars by account to John OLIVER in the sum of Forty Dollars by account to William F. WARD in the sum of Seven Dollars and Seventy cents by account to Wiley F. HIGGINS s follows by note dated and due Jan. 21st 1848 for Two Dollars and Sixteen cents payable to said Wiley F. HIGGINS also the sum of Two Dollars and thirty three cents by account to Edward F. SANDERSON in the sum of Three Dollars and forty five cents by account amounting together to Ninety five Dollars and thirty six cents and interest on the aforesaid notes, which said several debts he the said James J. RHODES honestly desires to secure and pay In consideration thereof and in further consideration of the sum of One Dollar to him in hand paid by the said Roscoe BARRUS before the signing and sealing and delivery of these presents, the receipt and payment where of is hereby acknowledged by the said James J. RHODES he the said James J. RHODES doth for himself his heirs and assigns give grant bargain sell and deliver and by these presents hath given granted bargained sold and delivered to the said Roscoe BARRUS his heirs and assigns for the purposes herein after mentioned the unexpired lease of five years from the first of January next of all that part of the plantation of Mrs. Feraba BENDER, which he the said James J. RHODES holds by lease from the said Feraba BENDER, subject always to ten barrels of good corn a year to be delivered to said Feraba BENDER as a consideration for said leases, all the crop of corn, peas, Fodder, Rice and Potatoes made the present year by the said James J. RHODES on the said plantation of Mrs. BENDERS one Red Ox, one Red Steer, one Cow and calf, thirty two head of hogs, including pigs, two Beds, bedsteads and furniture and kitchen furniture free and clear of the lawful claim of claims or encumbrances of any person whatsoever unto the said Roscoe BARRUS his heirs and assigns. In Trust never the less that the said Roscoe BARRUS his heirs and assigns shall and may sell the said described property at public sale for cash on the premises of him the said James J. RHODES by advertising the said sale at two or more places ins aid County for ten days, the sale to be made as early as convenient after the said crop shall be matured and housed, and the money arising from such sale to apply to the discharge of the aforesaid debts or so much thereof as may be sufficient to discharge them, with such lawful interest as may be due thereon, together with the cost of advertising, recording this instrument and all other costs accruing by reason of these presents, including a reasonable charge for the transaction of said business and the balance of the money if any to be paid to the said James J. RHODES his heirs and assigns, and that a final settlement and close of the business shall be made within sixty days after said sale. In witness whereof the said James J.R HODES and Roscoe BARRUS do hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year above written. Signed sealed and delivered us in the presence of J. PARSONS Signed: James J. RHODES (seal) R. BARRUS (seal) State of North Carolina Jones County July the 18th 1848 Then the executions of the foregoing Instrument was proved in due forms of law by the oath of J. PARSONS the subscribing witness thereto before me, let the same be registered. H. H. HAMMOND, CCC Presented and Received for Registration on Tuesday the 18th Day of July 1848 at twenty minutes to Three O'clock. P.M. Chas. GEROCK, Regstr. This file has been created by a form at File size: 4.7 Kb