Jones County NcArchives Deed.....Rhodes, James J. - Wiley F. Higgins, Adam Andrews & 1848
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Sloan S. Mason August 30, 2018, 11:06 am

Written: 1848

Transcribed by Sloan Mason
Register of Deeds
Jones County, NC
Bk. 22, p. 18
Mortgage Deed of James J. RHODES To Adam ANDREWS & Wiley F. HIGGINS
28 March 1848

This indenture mad and executed this 28th day of March A.D. 1848 between James J. 
RHODES of the one part and Adam ANDREWS and Wiley F. HIGGINS of the other part 
all of the County of Jones and State of North Carolina. Witnesseth that the said 
James J. RHODES for and in consideration of the sum of One Dollar to him in hand 
paid by the said Adam ANDREWS and Wiley F. HIGGINS the receipt and payment where 
of is hereby acknowledged hath granted bargained sold and confirmed to the said 
Adam ANDRES and Wiley F. HIGGINS their heirs and assigns forever One Bay Horse 
about ten years old and all his interest in a crop of corn to be raised the 
present year by him on land rented of the said Adam ANDREWS being a part of the 
Green Hill plantation. To have and to hold the said Bay Horse and crop of corn to 
them the said Adam ANDREWS and Wiley F. HIGGINS to them their heirs and assigns.
Provided always and these presents are for and upon the express condition and 
purpose that if the said James J. RHODES shall will and truly pay to Roscoe 
BARRUS trustee of Frederick MARKET? the sum of forty Dollars and interest thereon 
according to the tenor and effect of a certain bond or writing obligatory bearing 
date the 28th day of March A.D. 1848 for Forty Dollars due six months after date 
with interest on date executed but he said James J. RHODES, Adam ANDREWS and 
Wiley F. HIGGINS to Roscoe BARRUS trustee of Frederick Markel? then these 
presents and the estate hereby created shall cause determine and be null and 
void, otherwise to remain in full force and effect.
Signed sealed and delivered in presence of

Signed: James J. RHODES (Seal)

April 15th 1848
There the execution of the foregoing Mortgage was proud in the form of law by the 
oath of Roscoe BARRUS the subscribing witness thereto before me let the same be 

Presented and received for Registration on Saturday the 15th day of April 1848 at 
30 minutes past Eleven O'clock A.M.
Chas. GEROCK, Regr.

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