JONES COUNTY, NC - DEEDS - Richard Crutchfield to Anne Crutchfield
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Contributor's Note:  Jones County, NC deed of Richard Crutchfield to Ann 
Crutchfield, dated 11 April 1799, transcribed from a microfilm copy of the 
original document at the New Bern, NC public library.

Jones County, NC Deed Book 1, pages 53, 54.
This indenture made this 11th day of April in the year of our Lord 1799
between Richard Crutchfield of Jones County and the State of North Carolina
of the one part and Ann Crutchfield of the same place of the other part
Witnesseth that he the said Richard for and in consideration of the sum of
Thirty pounds to him in hand paid by the said Ann the receipt whereof he
doth hereby acknowledge have granted bargained and sold and by these
presents do grant bargain sell unto the said Ann her heirs and assigns one
piece or tract of land containing thirty-three acres on the south side of
Trent beginning at a pine A. B. Simmons Corner and runs with his line So 62
E 22 pole to a stake in Parson's line then with his line So 26 (?) 19(?)
pole at his corner pine then with another of his lines So 66 E 10 poles to
George Mallard's Corner stake then with his line So (??) poles to his
corner sweet gum then No 42 W 32 poles a line ___? a direct line to the
beginning.  To have and to hold together with all and singular the
priviledges and appurtances of every kind to the only proper use benefit
and behalf of the (said?) Ann her heirs and assigns forever and the said
Richard for himself and his heirs do covenant promise and engage to warrant
secure and forever defend the aforesaid
tract of thirty-three acres of Land unto her for --(?)  Said Ann and her
heirs forever against the claims of all
manner of persons what ever by these presents In writings whereof the Sd.
Richard Crutchfield have hereunto set his hand and seal the day and year
first above written signed sealed and delivered in the presence of

         John Harrison 				   his
         William Pate                      Richard (x) Crutchfield {Seal}

State of North Carolina
Jones County Court May Term 1799 then was the forgoing deed of sale from
Richard Crutchfield to Ann Crutchfield duly proved in open court by the
oath of William Pate one of the sustaining witnesses therein.
                                                       J.T. Bryan    C.C.