Jones County NcArchives Deed.....Rhodes, Levi J. - Rhodes, Brantley F. 1871
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Written: 1871

Register of Deeds Office
Jones County, NC
Levi J. RHODES to Brantley F. RHODES
11 Dec. 1871
Bk. 25, p. 259

This Indenture made in the 11th day of Dec. A.D. 1871 between Levi J. RHODES & 
wife Anna J. RHODES of the Co. of Jones, State of N. Carolina of the first 
part & Brantley F. RHODES of the Co. & State aforesaid of the second part. 
Witnesseth that Levi J. RHODES & wife Anna J. RHODES for & in consideration of 
the sum of city dollars to them in hand paid by the said Brantly F. RHODES at 
the time of executing these presents the recipe where of is hereby 
acknowledged have granted bargained & sold, conveyed, & confirmed & by these 
presents doth grant bargain sell convey & confirm unto the said Brantly F. 
RHODES his heirs & Assigns a certain tract or parcel of land in the Co. & 
State aforesaid Beginning at the run of Louis? Branch running South thereunto 
54 chains to a pine from the beginning S 10 E  chain to a dead pine S 66 W to 
a dead pine stump 18 poles 21 W 68 poles to Norris Branch the with Norris 
Branch to the beginning containing sixty acres to have and to hold the said 
lands & premises & all & singular the tenements hereditaments, woods, ways, 
waters, mines, minerals, improvements, rents, issues?, profits, , , 
privileges, & assigns, tenancies, thereunto belonging or in any way pertaining 
to him the said Brantley F. RHODES his heirs & assigns his & their improper 
use & behoof in fee simple forever and the said Levi J. RHODES & wife Anna J. 
RHODES & their heirs all & singular the premises hereby conveyed to the said 
Brantly F. RHODES his heirs and assigns shall & with warrant & forever defend 
from he lawful claim or claims of any & all persons whatsoever & lastly the 
said levi J. RHODES & wife Anna J. RHODES for themselves their heirs executors 
& add. hath executed & agreed & by these presents doth covenant & agree  with 
the said Brantly F. RHODES his heirs & assigns that they the said Levi J. 
RHODES & wife Anna J. RHODES are now at the time of executing these presents  
of a good sum & indefeasible estate of inheritance in the aforesaid land & 
promises that they have full power & lawful Authority  the same & manner & 
form aforesaid & the said Brantley F. RHODES his heirs and assigns shall have 
aforesaid have & hold   heretofore   or suffered by the said Levi J. 
RHODES & wife Anna J. RHODES or any other person whatsoever, hereunto -
In testimony whereof the said Levi J. RHODES & wife Anna J. RHODES hereunto 
set their hands and seals the day and date first above mentioned.
Signed, sealed & delivered in presence of 
Henry C. 

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