JONES COUNTY, NC - DEEDS - Daniel Miller to Frederick Harget, Jr., 8 Dec 1797

Miller Collection
Indenture between Daniel MILLER & Frederick HARGET of Jones Co., N.C.-
8 Dec. 1797

Transcribed by Sloan Mason from the Sybil Hyatt Collection located at the 
Kinston Public Library, Kinston, N.C.

State of North Carolina
Jones County

This Indenture made the 8th day of December in the year of our Lord one
thousand seven hundred and ninety-seven-Between Daniel MILLER of the one part
and Frederick HARGET, Junr. Of the other part, both of the county and state
aforesaid, Witnesseth: That for and in consideration of the sum of two hundred
and fifty pounds currecnty to him in hadn paid by the said Frederick HARGET
junr. The receipt whereof he doth hereby acknowledge and therefore doth
release, acquit and discharge the paid Frederick, his Exors. And adminis.; by
these presents he the said Daniel MILLER hath grated, bargained sold aliened
and confirmed and by these presents doth bargain sell alien & confirm in fee
unto the said Frederick HARGET, Junr & his heirs a certain piece or parcel of
land situate, lying and being in the county a state aforesaid. On the south
side of Trent River joining, the land of the said Frederick bounded as
followeth, beginning at a pine stump close to the main road & at a Branch just
below the said HARGET'S gate, on the east side, running from thence, south
eighty east, one hundred & sixty five pole to a pine near a pond, thence north
twenty west two hundred poles to a pine then north eighty west one hundred &
sixty five poles to a pine, then to the beginning, containing two hundred
acres of land on the same, more or less, conveyed by Abraham BASSETT, the
patentee to MILLER and Robert PARRY & as by the several conveyance may more
fully appear and all houses, buildings, commodities hereditaments, and
appurtenances, whatsoever to the said premises hereby granted or any part
thereof belonging or in anywise appertaining and the reversion and reversions,
remainder and remainders, rents-------- and profits, thereof and of every part
and parcel thereof with the appurtenances and also all the estate, right,
title interests, use, trusts, property, claim and demand whatsoever of him the
said Daniel MILLER thereof in and to the said premises and all deeds
evidences, and writing  touching? Or in anywise concerning the same. To have
and to hold the lands hereby conveyed and all and singular  other the premises
hereby bargained and sold and every part and parcel thereof with their and
every of their appurtenances unto the said Frederick HARGET junr. His heirs
and assigns forever and to his and their only proper use, benefit and behoof
forever. And the said Daniel MILLER for himself his heirs, execs. And admin.
Doth covenant promise, grant to and with the said Frederick HARGET his heirs
and assigns by these presents that the said Daniel MILLER now at the time of
sealing and delivering these presents is seized of a good, sure, perfect
indefeasible estate of inheritance in fee simple of and in the premises hereby
granted and sold, and that he hath good power and lawful and absolute
authority to grant and convey the same to the  said Frederick in manner and
form aforesaid and that the said premises now are and so forever hereafter
shall remain and be free and clear of and from all manner of former gifts,
grants, bargains and sales, dower right and title of dower, judgements,
executions and all manner of incumbrances of that kind or nature soever and
that the said Daniel MILLER and his heirs all and singular the premises
hereby, bargained and sold with the premises hereby bargained and sold with
the appurtenances unto the said Frederick HARGET, Junr. His heirs and assigns,
against him the said Daniel MILLER his heirs and all and every person and
persons whatsoever In witness whereof the said Daniel MILLER hath hereunto set
his hand and seal the day and year first within written.
Signed: Daniel MILLER
Signed, sealed, Delivered in presence of:

State of North Carolina
Jones County Court
May Term 1798
Then was the foregoing deed from Daniel MILLER to Frederick HARGET proved by 
the oath of Silas STEVENSON and ordered to be registered.
Attest: V. V. BRYAN, C.C.
Registered in the register's office of Jones County in Book H., no. & page 469


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	This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives 
	by:  Sloan Mason