Jones County NcArchives Deed.....Weston, Bently & Delila Rhodes - Jones, Sr., Jonas 1833 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Sloan S. Mason August 28, 2018, 7:20 pm Written: 1833 Transcribed by Sloan Mason Register of Deeds Jones County, NC Bk. 19, p. 350 Bently WESTON & wife Delila RHODES WESTON to Jonas JONES, SR. 7 March 1834 This Indenture made this the 7th day of March in the Year of our Lord 1834 Between Bentley WESTON and his wife Delila WESTON of the one part and Jonas JONES, Senr. of the other part. All of the State of North Carolina and County of Jones. Witnessedht that we the said Betley WESTON and wife Delila WESTON have for and in consideration of the sum of Three hundred Dollars to us in hand paid by the said Jonas JONES the receipt where of is hereby acknowledged have bargained and sold and do by these presents bargain and sell unto the said Jonas JONES, Senr. his heirs and assigns forever a certain tract or parcel of land situate lying and being in said County of Jones and on both sides of Tuckahoe Creek butted and bounded as follows (Viz) Beginning at a stake at the run of Tuckahoe Creek and runs S 20 E 175 poles to a small red oak on the south side of Duplin Road then S 5 W 376 poles to a stump, then East 60 poles to pain on the West edge of New River Road. Then with the said road to the cross road then down the meanders of a small branch opposite to a corner pine formerly belonging to the heirs of Henry RHODES, Dec'd which pine stands near the main road then with the main road crossing Tuckahoe Creek to the run of the Great Branch then up the various courses of the said branch to a Water Oak, Jonas JONES, Senr. corner then with his line N 78 W 84 poles to a Stump and Two black Jacks, then S 5 E to the run of Tuckahoe Creek then to the beginning containing by estimation Nine Hundred & Eighty Four acres by be the same more or less which we the said Bentley WESTON & wife Delila WESTON for our selves & our heirs do from time to time & at all times warrant & defend the right of the above mentioned lands unto him the said Jonas JONES, Senr. his heirs & assigns forever. In testimony whereof we have hereunto set our hands & affixed our seals this day and date first above written: Signed, sealed & delivered by us in presence of us: Eml. JARMAN H.H.? HAMMOND Signed: Bently (his X mark) WESTON Della (her X mark) WESTON State of North Carolina June 4th, 1834 Before me John R. DONNELL, Judge & C personally appeared Bently WESTON & Delila WESTON his wife the parties to the foregoing Deed & duly acknowledged the same as their act & deed. She the said Delila having been first examined by me privily & apart from her husband touching the execution thereof & it appearing that she has executed the same freely & of her own accord without the fear or compulsion of her Husband & that she doth voluntarily apart thereto. Let the same be Registered. J. R. DONNELL, J.S.C. This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.4 Kb