JONES COUNTY, NC - DEEDS - Amos Askew Sr to Amos Jr, 15 May 1858
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         This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb
         Archives by: Ben Askew
Transcribed from the Original
Located in the State Archives, Raleigh, NC
By Ben Askew,Jr

Know all men by these presents that I Amos Askew Sr. of Jones County and State 
of North Carolina of the one part have this day for and in consideration of 
the sum of seven hundred dollars to me in hand paid by Amos W Askew Jr. have 
this day bargained, sold, and conveyed unto the said Amos W Askew Jr. the 
westernmost portion of the lands that I bought from Robert Bender containing 
one hundred twenty-five acres and dividing from the the easternmost portions 
of said land by a branch or drain and I the said Amos Askew Sr for and in 
consideration of seven hundred dollars do warrant and forever defend the 
aforesaid one hundred twenty-five acres of land unto Amos W Askew Jr. his 
heirs and offings forever In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and 
seal May 15,1858 Amos Askew

Lewis Bynum
John Bynum

Jones County Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions July term 18?5?8. Then was 
the execution of the foregoing deed from Amos Askew Sr. to Amos W Askew Jr. 
duly acknowledged before me by Amos Askew the grantor thereof in open court in 
due form of law July 26 18?5?8

Benjamin Askew(Clerk)