JONES COUNTY, NC - DEEDS - Benjamin Askew to Josiah Askew, 12 Aug 1822
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         This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb
         Archives by: Ben Askew
Transcribed from the Original
Located in the State Archives, Raleigh, NC
By Ben Askew,Jr

State of North Carolina Jones County Know all men by these presents that I 
Benjamin Askew of the County and State aforesaid for the love and good will an 
affections which I have and a do bear toward my son Josiah Askew of the same 
County and State aforesaid do give and grant and by these presents have given 
and granted unto him my son a certain tract of land lying and being in the 
county of Jones and the north side of Cabin Branch to have and to hold after 
my death with free privilege of cuttervailing the woodling land whenever he 
pleases and after my death freely to possess and enjoy without any other 
conditions Beginning at a white oak by a large gum on the west at side of 
Cabin Branch in William Story's line and Runs East 127 poles to a pine then 
North 127 poles to a Red Oak then North 127 poles to a then south 127 poles to 
the first station which land I warrant and defend unto him his heirs and 
assigns forever against me and my heirs or assigns and against the lawful 
claim of all persons In witness whereof I the said Ben Askew have hereunto set 
my hand and seal this 12th day of August in the year of our Lord 1822
signed sealed and delivered in present of
John Askew Ben Askew
John Wise

State of North Carolina Jones County Court Dec Term 1822 Then was the deed 
acknowledged by Ben Askew the grantor and ordered to be recorded

Robert Kornegay CC