Jones County NcArchives Deed.....Rhodes Sr., James - Rhodes Jr., Henry 1823 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Sloan S. Mason October 22, 2018, 4:30 pm Written: 1823 Register of Deeds Jones County, NC James RHODES to Henry RHODES Bk. 16, p. 184 11 Jan. 1823 This Indenture made the 11th Day of January 1823 Between James RHODES, Sr. of the State of N. Carolina and County of Jones of the one part and Henry RHODES, Jr. of the same place of the other part. Witnesseth that for and in consideration of the sum of Seven hundred dollars in hand paid & secured to be paid the Recpt. where of is hereby acknowledged by the said James RHODS and for the same hath Bargained sold conveyed and confirmed unto the said Henry RHODS a certain piece or parcel of land situated lying and being in the state and county aforesaid on the South side of Tuckahoe Creek adjoining and below the Cross Roads adjoining the lands that the said James RHODES bought of Robert WINSETT and the lands belonging to the heirs of Fountain WILLIAMS, Dec'd on Tuckahoe and bounded immediately? with and by the sd lines above mentioned extending from the Run of Tuckahoe up by the head of Amyets Branch through the pocosin and with meandering line a cross near river road thence back near the road with the said WINSETS line to Tuckahoe and with the Run of Tuckahoe down the said WILLIAMS line together with its being all the lands that the sd. James RHODS bought of Wm. RHODS on the south side of Tuckahoe containing by estimation Four hundred and ninety three acres be the same more or less as may be made more fully to appear having to a Deed given by James RHODS to Wm. RHODES Senr. and by the Deed and patent, rights formally belonging to Jacob RHODS. To have and to Hold the above bargained premises with all and every part and parcel thereof with all and every of its appertaining in any wise pertaining thereto unto him and his heirs and assigns forever & the sd. James RHODS, Senr. doth further covenant and agree to and with the said Henry RHODS, Jr. that he for him self his heirs Excrs. admire. will for ever warrant and forever defend the before mentioned bounded land and forever with all & every of its appurtenances in anywise belonging to the said Henry RHODS, Jr. and his heirs and assigns forever from the lawful claim of any person whatsoever esc. the Taxes that may hereafter may be due. In witness whereof the said James RHODS, Sr. hath hereunto set his hand and seal day & year first above written. Signed, in presence of: O.B. COX Wm. RHODS Signed: James RHODS (Seal) State of N. Carolina Jones County Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions June Term 1825 Then was the written deed duly proved in Open court by the Oath of Wm. RHODS one of the subscribed witness ordered to be record. Test: Robt. KORNEGAY, Clk. This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.3 Kb