Jones County NcArchives Deed.....Hooten, Lydia - Tilghman, Alexander & Susan A. 1901 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Sloan S. Mason August 30, 2022, 5:42 pm Written: 1901 Transcribed by Sloan Mason Register of Deeds Lenoir County, NC Bk. 26, p. 186-188 Alexander TILGHMAN & wife Susan A. TILGHMAN of Jones Co., NC to Lydia HOOTEN of Craven Co., NC 20 April 1901 This Indenture, made his 20th day of April in the year of our Lord One thousand Nine Hundred and one (1901) between Alexander TILGHMAN, Sr. and wife Susan A. TILGHMAN of the County of Jones and State of North Carolina of the first part, and Lydia HOOTEN of the county Craven and State of North Carolina of the second part. Witnesseth That the said parties of the first part for and in consideration of the sum of One hundred and Twenty Five Dollars in hand paid by the said parties of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged bargained and sold conveyed and confirmed, and by these presents do bargain, sell convey and confirm unto the said party of the second part her heirs and assigns forever all the following described piece or parcels of land lying and bing in the County of Lenoir, NC, one tract in Sand Hill, the other in Neuse Township, and known and designated as follows, viz: The tract in Sand Hill, adjoining the lands of the heirs of John RHEN, the lands of E. P. LOFTIN, the lands of M. N. LOFTIN, Beginning at a pine near the Little Pocosin, LOFTIN'S corner & runs S 30 E 27 poles to a stake, the S 22 W 73 poles to a stake in Alex TILGHMAN, Sr. line then with his line S 88 E 19 poles to a stake in a pond thence running with another of his line S 83 E 31 1/4 poles to a stake then with another o this lines S 8 E 112 poles to a stake then S 34 1/2 E 36 poles to and with a small drain, on branch, then down said, branch S 46 E 14 3/4 poles then S 44 E 20 poles then N 77 E 7 1/2 poles to a red oak then N 7 1/2 W 170 1/2 poles to a stake on the South side of an old tram? road, then N 61 1/4 E 130 poles to a stake then N 30 W 129 poles to a stake then S 54 W 169 poles to the beginning, containing 190 acres more or less. Also one other tract in Neuse Township containing 12 3/4 acres surrounded by the lands of J. F. PARROT, being a part of the Susan JONES land) about one mile west of the Iron Bridge below Kinston. To have and to hold the same together with all the hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto in anywise appertaining to her the said Lydia HOOTEN & her heirs and assigns Forever. And the said Alexander TILGHMAN, Sr. & wife Susan A. TILGHMAN parties of the first part do covenant with the said party of the second part & his heirs and assigns as follows: First, That they are the owners and lawfully seized, of said premises, Second, That they have a good right to convey the same. Third, That the same is free from all encumbrances whatever. And Fourth, that the party of the second part her heirs and assigns shall quietly enjoy and possess the same and that they will warrant and defend the title to the same against all lawful claims, provided nevertheless, That if the said Alexander TILGHMAN, Sr & wife Susan A. TILGHMAN of the first part their heirs, executors and administrators shall will and truly pay or cause to be paid to the said Lydia HOOTEN party of the second part her heirs, executors, administrators assigns the sum of One Hundred & twenty five Dollars according to the condition of a certain bond of ? date herewith pay all to Lydia HOOTEN on the 1st day of Jany. 1902 with interest from, date interest payable, annually. There its deed to be null and void, otherwise to be in full force and effect. But if, default shall be made in the payment of either of the said sum of money, or the interest or any past thereof, at the time herein before specified for the payment thereof the said parties of the first part in such case do hereby authorize and fully empower the said party of the second part her heirs executors administrators and assigns to sell the said hereby granted premises at public out cry at the Court House door in Lenoir County, NC after first advertising the same for 30 day at said Courthouse door & three other public places in said County and convey the same to the purchase in fee simple, and out of the moneys arising from such sale, to retain the principal, and interest which shall then be due on the said bond together with all costs and charges and pay the surplus if any to the said parties of the first part - heirs, executors, administrators or assigns. In Testimony whereof the said parties of the first part have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year first above written. Alex TILGHMAN, (Seal) Susan A. (her X mark) TILGHMAN (Seal) Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of W. H. WOOTEN C. W. SIMMONS State of North Carolina Lenoir County I, A. S. WETHERINGTON, a Justice of the Peace of Lenoir County do hereby certify that Alexander TILGHMAN, Sr. and Susan A. TILGHMAN his wife, personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the due execution of the annexed Deed of Conveyance and the said Susan A. TILGHMAN being by me privately examined separate and apart from her said husband touching her voluntarily execution of the same, doth state that she signed the same freely and voluntarily without fear or compulsion of her said husband or any other person and that she still voluntarily assert thereto. Witness my hand and private seal this 22nd day of April 1901. A. S. WETHERINGTON Justice of Peace North Carolina Lenoir County The foregoing certificate of A. S. WETHERINGTON, a J. P of Lenoir County is adjudged to be correct and sufficient. Let the instrument with the certificates be registered. Witness my hand the 27th day of April 1901. Plato COLLINS Clerk Superior Court Filed for Registration at 9 O'clock AM, April 27th, 1901. Enrolled in the office of Registers of Deeds for Lenoir County, April 27, 1901. W. D. SUGGS Register of Deeds This file has been created by a form at File size: 6.4 Kb