LENOIR COUNTY, NC - Collection - Verdie Nobles Collection.

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                P. C. 1413.1, NC ARCHIVES, RALEIGH, NC

This Collection was started by Dr. Francis R. Hodges and finished by 
Martha Mewborn Marble

Date:  11 October, 1774
Nature of document:  Indenture
Grantor:  Joseph Jarmon
Grantee:  Wm. Ratliffe
Location: north side of Tuckahoe Creek
Extent:  36 acres
In consideration of:  10 pounds proc. money
Mentioned in metes and bounds:  William Barnett's line
Witnesses:  John Winsett, James Davis
July Court 1775 on oath of Wm. Davis  M. Caswell, Ck
Enrolled:  20 July, 1775
Registrar:  Martin Caswell

Date:  5 January, 1795
Nature of document:  Indenture
Grantor:  Wm. Jarman
Grantee:  Moses Ratliff
Extent:  150 acres
In consideration of:  10 pounds good and lawful money
Mentioned in metes and bounds:  Charles Ratliff's line
Witness:  Joseph Jarman
January Court 1795
Enrolled Lenoir Co Liber K pages 187 & 188 4 Feby. 1795

Date:  11 September, 1804
Nature of document:  Indenture
Grantor:  William Williams
Grantee:  Evan Williams, son of said Wm. Williams
Location:  "on a branch of Trent River"
Extent:  "by estimation 250 acres"
In consideration of:  "the natural love and affection which I have & 
to said Evan Williams & for better maintenance of him"
Mentioned in metes and bounds:  Evan Williams' line, John Williams' 
Witnesses:  James Taylor, Stephen Williams

Date:  24 December, 1811
Nature of document:  Indenture
Grantor:  Job Leary of the county of Lenoir
Grantee:  Aaron Ratliffe
Extent:  150 acres be the same more or less
In consideration of:  50 dollars
Mentioned in description of metes and bounds: Charles Ratliffe line, 
Davis' l;ine, the dividing line between Wm. Taylor and Absalom 
Witnesses:  Wm. Taylor, Levi Jones
October Court 1812  C. Westbrook, CC
Enrolled:  15 October, 1812
Registrar:  James Bright

Date: 17 November, 1813
Nature of document:  Land grant  (#351)
Grantor:  state of NC
Grantee:  Aron (sic) Ratliffe
Extent:  200 acres
In consideration of:  50 shillings
Mentioned in metes and bounds:   William Jarman's corner, the Wolf 
Amos Johnson's corner
Governor:  William Hawkins
Enrolled 4 April 1814  Ja. Bright, Regt

Date:  12 January, 1814
Nature of document:  Indenture
Grantor:  William Martin of the county of Lenoir
Grantee:  Aaron Ratliffe
Location:  southside of big branch in county of Jones
Extent:  25 acres be the same more or less
In consideration of:  six pounds
Witnesses:  Samuel Howard, Daniel Boyet
Jan Court 1815 on oath of Daniel Boyet  C. Westbrook, CC
Enrolled:  ___ January, 1814
Registrar:  James Bright

Date:  26 March, 1814
Nature of document:  Indenture
Grantor:  Aron (sic) Ratliffe
Grantee:  William Ratliffe, son of Aaron Ratliff  (sic)
Extent:  150 acres more or less
In consideration of:  natural love and affection. . . and better 
Description:  part of patent granted to Aaron Ratliffe and Joseph 
Mentioned in metes and bounds:  dividing line between Aaron Ratliffe 
McLendal Jarman
Witnesses:  Wm. Taylor, Joseph Ratliff
April Court 1814  Westbrook, CC
Enrolled:  15  April, 1814
Registrar:  James Bright

Date:  20 December, 1872
Nature of document:  Indenture
Grantor:  John M. Davis & wife of the county of Lenoir
Grantee:  Nathaniel Byrd of the same county
Location:  south side of Great Branch
Extent: 28 acres more or less
In consideration of:  56 dollars
Mentioned in metes and bounds:  Carter's line
Witnesses"  George Turner, Wm. Jones

No date - either did not see it or forgot to write it down

Back of document entitled Courses of Land from J. Stanly and Jonas 
Jones -  2 tracks of land appear to be adj.
SURVEY - Jonas Jones - 110 acres in Lenoir Co - Jack's Branch, adj 
Mary Jones, Neuse River, Stanly
Aretas W. Turner, Surv

Survey - John Stanly - 103 acres - Jacks Branch


2 November 1764 ?? - PATENT - (right side of document is gone) - 
partial patent to William Williams - 300 acres - both sides of  -----, 
Trent River - adj John William

Arthur Dobbs

Enrolled 10 November 1764 


26 May 1764 - SURVEY - for William Williams - 300 acres in Dobbs Co 
on both sides of main Branch of Trent River - adj John Williams
William Dickson, Surveyor

CB  Samuel Howard ?? (torn),  Fredh. Lofton


6 December 1794 - PATENT - a True Copy - #533 - 30 shillings for 
every 100 acres - to Rachel Jarman - 114 acres in Jones Co - NS Tuckahoe 
Creek adj Thomas Jarman, Spring Branch, adj John Jarman

Richard Dobbs Speight


27 November 1793 - GRANT - Grant to Aaron Ratliff - 100 acres in 
Lenoir - NS Tuckahoe adj Joseph Jarman, Spring Branch

R. D. Speight, Gov

A Copy - Enrolled Lenoir County 5 January 1796  D. Caswell, Regr


27 November 1793 - GRANT #15 - Grant to Elom Ratliff - 100 acres in 
Lenoir Co - SS Trent River, NS Tuckahoe - fork of Big Branch

R. D. Speight, Gov

A Copy - Enrolled Lenoir County  5 Jany 1796  


8 June 1795 - MARRIAGE BOND - To any Licenced Minister of Lenoir 
County - authorized to celebrate the marriage between Joseph Kinsey and 
Miss Philpena Nobles

Winston Caswell


5 July 1800 - PATENT #255 - fifty shillings for ever 100 acres pd by 
Amos Johnson - 50 acres in Lenoir County - NS Tuckahoe, NS Spring 
Branch adj Aaron Ratcliff and Moses Ratcliff
Entered 5 July 1800  Signed by Benjamin Williams, Gov. of NC
30 November 1801


3 April 1804 - INDENTURE - (document very faded) - John Parker and 
Gabriel Parker of Lenoir to Moses Ratliff - 13 pds - a tract - NS 
Tuckahoe Creek adj William Barnes ??, Jarmans old corner - 50 acres

WIT  Joseph Taylor, other one too faded to read

April Court 1804 on oath of Joseph Taylor  C. Westbrook, Ck

Enrolled Book ?? Liber I p 13 & 14 on 8 March 1804  Wm. Lovick, Reg


16 January 1813 - INDENTURE - John Jarmon of Jones County to McLendel 
Jarman of Jones Co - love and affection - all my title and interest 
(exception 75 acres) which was layed off for my mother, Rachel Jarman) 
- tract being mostly in Jones Co - NS Tuckahoe, Spring Branch, adj 
Hall Jarman's 300 acre survey - 192 acres - exception my mother's life 

WIT  Amos Jarmon, Hall Jarman

Jones County 1814 on oath of Amos Jarman  H. Bryan, CC

Registered Book N #14  p 92 & 93  ? Speight, Regr.

NOTE - No relationship given between grantor and grantee


10 November 1813 - SURVEY - Lenoir County - for Amos Ratliff - 200 
acres - for warrant #569 issued on 5 January 1813 - adj William Jarman, 
Amos Johnson, Wolf Pond, Johnson, Spring branch

R. W. Goodman - surveyor

CB  Jos. Ratliff, next name torn


10 June 1815 - DEED OF GIFT - William Williams of Lenoir Co for 
natural love and affection for my son Evan Williams, grant all my horses, 
cattle, hoggs, household furniture, right of my property that I 
possess at my death and my wife's death, one bed and furniture ---- I am 
to retain possession of all above and to have use during my lifetime 
and my wife Rachel Williams' lifetime

WIT  Richard Noble, Elizabeth Soundry ??

Court Lenoir Co Jan Term 1816 on oath of Richard Noble   C Westbrook, 

Enrolled 15 July 1816  Jas Bright, Regt.


1817 - (document very faded and did not see a date) - I Aron Ratliff 
of Lenoir sell to MECL ?? Jarman of Jones - tract in Lenoir on SS 
Beaverdam, adj James Martin, Grace Davis, Absalom Ritter, Moses Ratliff 
- 53 acres - $66

WIT  J. Leary, Nancy Leary

October Court Lenoir Co 1817 on oath of Job Leary - C. Westbrook, CC

Enrolled 15, October 1817   Jas. Bright, Reg.


17 October 1819 - BIRTH ENTRY - Elizzabeth Coffier Everett the 
daughter of Thomas Everett and Peggy his wife was Borned October 17, 1819


30 October 1830 or 1836 - SURVEY with MAP - Johnston ? Patent - Isaac 
Storie ?? bought of Samuel Howard - 57 acres on 30 October 1830 or 
lines of land that Charles A. Hines sold to Isaac Stroud - ES main 
road, corner of patent granted to Jacob Johnson, adj Jones & Hines, 
corner of patent granted to Elam Ratliff, Hog Branch, Charity Herring - 
128 acres
Survey by O. W. B. ?? Cox


ESTATE DIVISION OF McL. (sic) JARMAN dec - Duplin County

1836 ??? - No date except for Court date and note it was not 
registered in Lenoir Co until 1883 although this was probably re-registered

1.  James ? Jerman - lot 3 - land in Duplin Co

2. Elizabeth Jarman - Lot #2 - being in Jones and Lenoir Counties - 
SS Tuckahoe Swamp, Island Branch, Spring Branch - 400 acres - another 
tract Spring Branch of 140 acres - another tract in Lenoir Co - SS 
Beaverdam adj Davis - 152 acres - another tract in Duplin Co

3. Jobe L. Jarman - lot #5 - in Lenoir Co - NS Spring Branch, 
Tackahoe - 1053 acres - another tract in Duplin

4. Could not find name for  #4

5.  Mary Jarman - Lot  4 - mostly in Jones Co on Tuckahoe - 1355 
acres and a tract in Duplin Co

Spring Term 1836 - Division by Byran Smith, Geo. Smith, Cornelius 
Harper, Richard (x) Ervin, Warren (x) Harper

Enrolled Lenoir Co 10 December 1883


21 November 1840 - INDENTURE - A true copy -  Aretus Jones of Lenoir 
to Lewis Williams and his wife of Jones - natural love and affection 
for Lewis Williams and his wife Srenea Williams - Negro man Squires, 
negro woman Pleasant and three children, Sary, Patcy, Hanner

WIT  David (X) Green, George Jones

December Term Jones Co on oath of David Green

Registered Jones Co    C. C. Rhodes, Regr


17 April 1846 - PATENT - #439 - $10 every 100 acres - to Gatlin 
Taylor - 160 acres - NS Tucahoe, Great Branch, Samuel Howard, A. William  
entered 17 April 1846

Signed 15 December 1847 - William A. Graham, Gov

Survey accompanies - surveyed 9 November 1847 by Lewis Jones, Surv.

CB  Elijah Freeman, Job Stroud

Recorded Lenoir County 27 January 1848   Stephen White, Regt


28 September 1848 - INDENTURE - Gatlin Taylor to James Davis - $80 - 
tract in Lenoir Co - NS Tuckahoe, adj Samuel Howard, A. Williams

WIT  Anthony Davis, Stephen H. Davis

Court July Term 1851 on oath of Anthony Davis   W. C. Loftin, Clk by 
B. F.
  Loftin, DC

Enrolled 2 August 1851   Stephen White, Regt.


19 October 1848 - NOTE - A Note from Jesse (x) Martin to Musio R. 
Wilson for $5.00

WIT James H. Robinson


15 October 1851 - INDENTURE - Aretus Williams and wife Elizabeth to 
Lewis Williams - all of Jones County - $2106 - tract in Lenoir Co, NS 
Spring Branch, adj Moses Ratliff, Tuckahoe - $1050 acres - not 
complete document


6 March 1850 - DEPOSITION - Jones County - appeared before me 
Zaccheus Brown, Justice of County, Aretus Jones of Lenoir County - said he 
was acquainted with land of Hall Jarman and Rachel Jarman and been 
shown by John Jarman and told by Rachel Jarman to be the beginning 
corner of Hall Jarman Patent and corner of Rachel Jarman Patent - SS of a 
pond near Whitfield Turner

in presence of Whitfield Turner, Aretas W. Turner, Aretas Williams, 
Lewis Williams, Lewis L. Turner, Durant G. Whaley, Cullin P. Turner, 
William Rhodes - surveyor

Zaccheus Brown, JP


Spring Term 1851 - SURVEY - On order of Superior Court of Lenoir 
County, Spring Term 1851 - in dispute - Aretus Williams is Plantiff and  
James Davis is Def

A survey accompanies with drawn lines

A, B, C, D, E, F - black lines represents William Jarman's patent for 
300 acres plantiff claims

A, G, H, J, K, L, M, N, O - black lines represents Aaron Ratliff 
patent for 200 acres plantiff claims

N, E, A, O, N, T, U - in red rpresents Gatlin Taylor's patent for 160 
acres claimed by defendant

P, Q, R, S - black lines presents Joseph Jarman patent for 50 acres

W, Q, R, H and run of Big Branch represents deed from Wm. Martin to 
Aaron Ratliff, plantiff claims

Surveyed 17 November 1851 -  Lewis Jones, Surv

NOTE: Spring branch is on the south, corner tree pond on NW, Big 
Branch on NE


1851 - Indenture - (this is a partial copy) - Lewis Williams of Jones 
to Aretus Williams of Jones - $2106 - tract in Lenoir - NS Spring 
Branch, Great Branch, Moses Ratliff, Spring branch --1053 acres


1 August 1853 - INDENTURE - Lewis Williams of Jones Co to Aretus 
Williams of Jones County - $1700 - a tract in Lenoir County - Spring 
Branch N prong, adj Moses Ratliff, Tuckeyhoe - 1053 acres - tract alloted 
to Jobe L. Jarman in the petition of the lands of his father 
McLendell Jarman and by him conveyed in a decree in Jones County to Aretus 
Williams and wife Elizabeth and by them conveyed to Lewis Williams and 
by Lewis Williams to Aretus Williams

Appears to be a copy


State of NC - Onslow County- To Sheriff of Lenoir County

Petition filed in court of Onslow County, March Term 1866 by John M. 
Davis and wife Betsy, Thom. J. Everitt - the following named in ??? 
of Van Deusen Everitt viz - John A. Everett, Leander W. Everett, Launa 
A. Everett and Van Deusen Everett by their guardian, A. J. Johnston - 
also two infants of Reubin Everett by their guardian A. J. Johnson - 
petitioner allege they are tenants in common of lands in Onslow and 
heirs of Thomas . Everett - request land to be divided

Land divided 3 March 1974 - Onslow County


27 December 1865 - Account of sale of property belonging to Agnes 
Everett dec by T. J. Everett and John M. Davis, Adm


NOTE: There are several other Onslow documents in the Collection for 
the Everett family

4 January 1876 - John M. Davis of Lenoir to son Stephen H. Davis - 
tract - ES Tuckahoe adj Anthony Davis - adj Meeting House - 115 acres - 
sum of $10.00 - retain use of land during my life and life of wife 

WIT James K. Davis

Proved 22 January 1876 on oath of James Davis

Enrolled 12 February 1876 Book 43 p 486, 487  James K. Davis, Regr


1 January 1876 - John M. Davis and wife Elizabeth of Pink Hill, 
Lenoir Co. to John W. Malpass - $300 - track on Tuckahoe township of Jones 
Co - adj Aretas Williams estate, A. W. Byrd - WS Great Branch, known 
as Stroud Place - 326 cres - $40.00, 33 1/3 barrels of turpentine

WIT  Stephen H. Davis
Court 22 Jan. 1876 on oath of Stephen H. Davis


9 February 1878 - INDENTURE - John M. Davis and wife sell to Nathan 
Byrd - a tract in Lenoir and Jones Co - $200 - NS Tuckahoe, fork of 
Great Branch adj Ratcliff, Byrd - 396 1/7 acres

signed by John M. Davis and Elizabeth Davis

WIT  Stephen H. Davis

John M. Davis and wife Elizabeth appeared before me and Elizabeth was 
privately examined - 9 February 1878  - Anothony Davis, JP


9 February 1878 - INDENTURE - Nathan Byrd of Lenoir to John M. Davis 
of Lenoir - $200 - parcel in Lenoir and Jones - NS Tuckahoe, fork of 
Great Branch adj Ratliff, Nathan Byrd --326 1/2 acres - $500
Nathaniel (x) Byrd

Recorded 5 June 1878


24 March 1879 - Anthony Davis certifies that Nathan Byrd and Betsy 
Byrd his wife appeared before me and acknowledged deed and Betsy 
privately examined.
Anthony davis, JP

NOTE: No deed attached