Jones County NcArchives Deed.....Brock, William - Rhodes, James 1793
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Written: 1793

Register of Deeds Office
Jones Co., NC
9 Nov 1793
Bk. 2, p. 182
William Brock to James Rhodes

This Indenture made this 9th day of November in the year of our Lord 1793, 
Between William BROCK of Jones County & State of N. Carolina farmer of the one 
part & James RHODES of the same County & State aforesaid farmer of the other 
part. Witnesseth that the said William BROCK for and in consideration of the 
sum of Ten Pounds current money to him in hand paid by the said James RHODES 
the receipt whereof he doth hereby acknowledge himself therewith fully 
satisfied constituted and paid and therefore have given granted bargained sold 
aligned  conveyed & confirmed unto the said James RHODES his heirs & assigns 
forever one certain  tract of parcel of land situate in Jones County 
aforesaid & on the north side of Tuckahoe Creek beginning at a corner piece of 
James JONES near the school house & running with Hall JARMAN'S Patent line to 
a corner pine near the aforesaid James RHODES'S line then running with the 
contract line made between Hall HARMAN & the aforesaid William BROCK to a 
corner water oak in the long branch then up the various courses of said branch 
to a corner sweet gum, then up the said branch to James JONES line then with 
the said line to the beginning containing by estimation forty acres be it the 
same more or less. To have and to hold the above said bargained & desired 
premises with all & singular the appurtenances to the same belonging or in 
anywise appertaining to him the said James RHODES his heirs & assigns forever 
to his or their only use or benefit or behoof forever & I the said William 
BROCK dot covenant & agree to & with the said James RHODES that before the 
unsealing of these presents that I am the true & lawful owner of the above 
mentioned lands & premises & have in myself good right full power & lawful 
authority to sell & devise & depose of the same in full & perfect manner to 
all intents & purposes as any of the most learned in the law can require and 
by virtue of these presents do agree & engage to warrant secure & defend all & 
singular the lands & premises aforesaid to him the said James RHODES his heirs 
& assigns forever against any person or persons whatsoever that may ever 
challenge or claim the same. In witness where of I the said William BROCK here 
hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this day & year above written.
William (his X mark) BROCK
Signed, Sealed & Delivered in Presence of 

State of North Carolina
Jones County Court
Feby. Term 1794
Then was the within Deed from William BROCK to James RHODES duly proved in 
open court the oath of Jacob RHODES one of the subscribing witnesses & ordered 
to be registered.
Attest: Lewis BRYAN, C.C.

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