JONES COUNTY, NC - DEEDS - Edmund Westbrook to Joseph Small
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Edmund Westbrook, inherited land sold to Joseph Small
                                                         Page 157
 This Indenture made this day of August in the year of our Lord 1832 Between
 Edmund WESTBROOK of the County of Jones and the State of N Carolina of the
 one part and Joseph Small the same place of the other part witnesseth that
 for and in consideration of the sum of 100 dollars in hand have the Receipt
 whereof is hereby acknowledged the said Edmund WESTBROOK  has bargained sold
 conveyed and confirmed unto the same Joseph SMALL  and his heirs and assigns
 forever a certain tract or parcel of land. Situated lying & being in the
 county and state aforesaid on the East of Joshuas Creek and south sides of
 Ball Branch being by said Creek and Branch and the land of Elija KOONCE and
 N. B. WESTBROOK the whole of said tract or piece of Land containing by
 estimation five hundred and fifty acres be the same more or less _____ appear
 by the deed and rights to Samuel WESTBROOK dec'd and descended at his death
 to his heirs at law and the said EDMUND his son, being legally and rightfully
 entitled to one eighth tract of the said undivided land & tenements hereby to
 acknowledge to these present bargain, sell convey ___once confirm into the
 said Joseph SMALL
 and his heirs and assign all his rights title claim and Interest in the same
 and the said Edmund WESTBROOK doth further covenant and agree ___land with
 the said ___ he for himself Heirs Executor and Administrators will warrant
 and forever defend into the said Joseph SMALL heirs and assign the said
 rights of one eighth of said parcel and tenements with all _____ there unto
 belonging clear from the _____claim ___ ___ by through or under him or in any
 other manner whatsoever In witness where after he hath here unto set his hand
 and seal on this day and date above mentioned.
 Sign, sealed & delivered in the presence        Edmund Westbrook   seal
 J. A. Jarck? Kinsey                             State of North Carolina
 Council Gooding                         Court of Pleas and Quarter Session
                                                 Sept. tenth 1833
 Thus was the execution of the ____ deed duly proved in open court by the oath
 of J____ Kincey oath of the subscribing witness thereto and ordered to be
                         Teste   H. Bryan      Seal

  Transcribed from a copy of the original document housed in the North
 Carolina Archives.
 Martha Thayer