JONES COUNTY, NC - DEEDS - Lewis Bryan to Benjamin Askew, 1 Nov 1861
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         This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb
         Archives by: Ben Askew
Transcribed from the Original
Located in the State Archives, Raleigh, NC
By Ben Askew, Jr

This indenture made this the first day of November A.D. 1861 one thousand 
eight-hundred and sixty one between Lewis Bryan of the County of Jones and the 
State of North Carolina of the one part and Benjamin Bryan,Benjamin Askew of 
the County of Jones and John B Bryan of the County of Lenoir and State 
aforesaid of the other part .Witnesseth that the said Lewis Bryan for and in 
consideration of the sum of ninety six dollars to him in hand paid by Benj. 
Bryan Benj. Askew and John B Bryan being the amount of money paid into the 
State Treasury of North Carolina for grant of six hundred and forty acres of 
land by patent granted to Lewis O Bryan of the date of 29 th December 
(1860)one thousand eight hundred and sixty and numbered ?1044? the receipt and 
payment whereof is hereby fully acknowledged, have given, granted, bargained, 
sold ,and conveyed and by these presents doth give, grant, bargain, sell, 
convey and confirm to the said Benj L Bryan & Benj Askew and John B Bryan a 
certain tract or parcel of land situated lying and being as follows On the 
North side of Trent River and in the Juniper Swamp adjoining the lines of 
Samuel Simpson patent and the line of Benj L Bryans six hundred and forty acre 
entry and the line of Edwin B Isler Beginning at said Benj L Bryans 
Southwestmost corner of his and Benj Askews and John B Bryans new survey(BL 
Bryans patent) and ------ south two hundred poles then south sixty seven east 
three hundred and seventy poles to Samuel Simpsons patent corner now-----------
----------------(end of copy)