Jones County NcArchives Deed.....Rhodes, Levi - Koonce, Mary & Richard H. 1866 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Sloan S. Mason April 23, 2019, 7:28 pm Written: 1866 Register of Deeds Jones County, NC 4 Dec 1866 Mary KOONCE & Richard H. KOONCE to Levi RHODES of Jones Co., NC Bk. 24, p. 145 This Indenture made the 4th day of December in the year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Sixty six between Mary KOONCE and Richard H. KOONCE of the County of Jones and State of North Carolina on the one or first part, and Levi RHODES of the same County and State of the second part. Witnessth that the said Mary KOONCE and Richard H. KOONCE party of the first part for and in consideration of the sum Four Hundred dollars or two hundred dollars to each, the recipe of which is hereby acknowledged has given, granted, bargained, sold and conveyed, and does hereby give grant bargain, sell and convey to the said party of the second part to him his heirs and assigns all that tract or parcel or parcels of land lying in the County of Jones and State of North Carolina known as the tract or parcel of land deeded by Littleton HAWKINS to Mary KOONCE and his two grandchildren via Richard H. KOONCE and Elijah KOONCE and bounded as follows on the West side of Reidy Branch, and formerly knowns as the lands of Wiley KOONCE and bounded by the lands of John S. KOONCE and Amos ASKEW containing Three Hundred and thirty eight acres more or less. Beginning at a tree, side of the run of Riedy Branch near the mouth of Norris Branch, a direct line to the corner side of the Branch then up the various courses of the branch tot he corner, then crosses the branch and up another little branch tot he corner near the head of the Long Ridge thence a direct line to the corner, thence down the Riedy Branch to the corner a direct lien to Reidy Branch tot he corner, thence down Riedy Branch to the beginning. Together with all and singular the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belonging. To have and to hold the same unto him the said Levi RHODES the said party of the second part his heirs and assigns forever. And the said parties of the first part for the consideration aforesaid does hereby covenant and agree to warrant and defend the premises aforesaid to the said party of the second part his executors administrators and assigns against the claim and entry of all persons whatsoever and are to further covenant that the said Mary KOONCE and Richard H. KOONCE is seized of the premises in fee simple, and has a order to make and convey such and estate by this indenture and has done the same by these presents. In witness whereof the said parties of the first part has hereunto set their hands and seals on the day and year above written. Mary (her X mark) KOONCE R. H. KOONCE (Seal) Signed, sealed & delivered in presence of Frank WILSON Thos. G. WILSON Jones County Court March Term 1868 There was the Execution of the forgoing deed proved in open court in due form of law by the oath of Thos. G. WILSON one of the subscribing witnesses thereto let the same be registered. Benj. ASKEW, Clerk CC This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.6 Kb