Robeson-Jones-Craven County NcArchives Deed.....Simmons, Daniel - Daughety, Absolom 1795
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Guy Potts March 19, 2020, 4:36 pm

Craven County, NC Register of Deeds
Bk 33, pg 432
Written: 14 Feb 1795

Absolom Daughety of Robertson (Robeson) County NC deed to Daniel Simmons of 
Jones County, 200 pounds for 210 acres in Craven adj south side of South West 
Creek to Ash Branch, James Caldwell, of which 60 acres are a part of a patent 
in  my name and also part of another patent for Willm Easterling.
Witnesses: John Heath and Jms Ventures
Craven County December Term 1799
Proved and ordered to be registered

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