Jones County, NC - Miscellaneous Deeds, 1785-86

A list of Deeds proved in the County of Jones between the 21 day of 
Jan. 1785 and the first day 1786 together with a sort of public tax 
rec'd on them by Lewis Bryan, Clerk of the Court of said County

 Deeds proved March term 1785
 1. Benjamin Fordham
 2. Wm. Busick
 3. Sugar Dulin
 4. James Stanley
 5. Robert German
 6. A. B. Simmons
 7. John Koonce
 The aforegoing were proved before the law came to hand and no 
 tax collected
 Amount Book brought forward F= 9.0
 Deeds proved June term 1785

  1. Samuel Kind          	0.5
  2. Wm. Allcock          	0.5
  3. Deed September term 1785
  4. Fred Foscue          	0.5
  5. William Sheppard         0.5
  6. John Gilbert         	0.5
  7. Jacob Ipock          	0.5
  8. John Saul                0.5
  9. Israel Gray              0.5
 10. Israel Gray              0.5
 11. Wilson Dias         	0.5
 12. David Ross          	0.5
 13. Wm. Busick          	0.5
                          F= 12.0
 Transcribed from a copy of the original document housed in the North Carolina
 State Archives.

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