Jones County NcArchives Deed.....Jones, Jonas - Rhods, James 1819
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Sloan S. Mason August 28, 2018, 7:39 pm

Written: 1819

Transcribed by Sloan Mason
Register of Deeds
Jones County, NC
Bk. 15, P. 130
Jonas JONES to James RHODES
8 April 1819

This Indenture made this the 8th day of April 1819, Between Jonas JONES of Jones 
County and State of North Carolina of the one part and James RHODS of the same 
county and State aforesaid of the other part; Witnesseth that the said Jonas 
JONES for and in consideration of the sum of Five hundred and twenty seven 
Dollars and Twenty Six cents to him In hand paid by the said James RHODES the 
receipt whereof I do hereby acknowledge myself there with fully satisfied 
contented and paid and there fore have given granted bargained and sold and 
confirmed and by these presents doth absolutely give grant convey and confirm 
unto the said James RHODES his heirs and assigns forever a Certain  tract or 
parcel of land. Situated lying and being in Jones County on the North side of 
Tuckahoe Swamp. It being a part of Seven Tracts of land Beginning at a Maple near 
the run of Tuckahoe Swamp running N 60 W 137 poles to a Red Oak near the edge of 
Williams JONES Mill damn then with Tuckahoe Swamp up to a Red Oak on the side of 
the Swamp then N 16 E 24 poles, with the before mentioned Swamp to three poplars 
near the swamp then East 242 poles to a Chinquapin then N 72 E 37 poles to a 
white oak then N 50 E 34 poles to a black Gum then South 74 E 24 poles to a 
poplar then South 25 E 14 poles to a black gum then South 74 E 25 poles to a pine 
In James RHOED'S lien then with his line South 34 W 78 poles to a pine then with 
the same South 46 W 54 poles to a pine near BROCKS old field James RHODES'S 
Corner then South 28 12 E 184 poles to the Swamp then with the Swamp up to the 
first station containing by estimation Four hundred and Ten and be the same more 
or less To have the above bargained devised premises with all appurtenances 
thereunto belonging to him he said James RHODES his heirs and assigns for ever to 
his or their only use and benefit forever and I the said Jonas JONES doth warrant 
and forever defend the before mentioned devised premises against the lawful claim 
or claims of any person or persons whatsoever to him the said James RHODES his 
heirs and assigns forever. In witness I do hereunto set my hand and seal the date 
above written. In presence of:

Signed: Jonas JONES (Seal)

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