Jones County NcArchives Deed.....Westbrook, Harman - Rhodes, James F. 1845 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Sloan S. Mason February 28, 2019, 7:45 pm Written: 1845 Register of Deeds Office Jones County, NC Bk. 21, p. 312 James F. RHODES to Harman WESTBROOK, both of Jones Co., NC 5 August 1845 This Indenture made the fifth of August in the year of Our Lord One thousand eight hundred and forty five between James J. RHODES of the county of Jones and State of North Carolina of the one part and Harman WESTBROOK of the county and State aforesaid, of the other part. Witnesseth that the said James F. RHODES for and in consideration of the sum of Two Hundred and Seventy five dollars to him in hand paid before the unsealing and delivering of these presents the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged have granted bargained sold and conveyed and by these presents doth full and freely absolutely grant bargain sell and convey unto the aforesaid Harman WESTBROOK his heirs executors administrators and assigns all and singular two certain tracts or parcels of land situate lying and being in the county and State aforesaid lying on both side of Little Chinquapin. Beginning at a Red Oake not he North side of the Creek and runs with James STANLEY line South 17 E 148 poles to a Pine thence S 55 West supposed to be 80 poles to Lewis SMALLS corner large Pine then with his line S 54 E 42 poles to STANDLEYS corner then S 76 W 30 poles to a Gum Sapling then S 16 poles to a Stake then N 59 W 28 poles to a Stake then N 34 W 12 Poles to a Spruse Pine near the corner of the GILBERT land then N 30 W 52 poles to a Stake then S 41 W 22 poles to a Stake then S 61 W 20 poles to a Stake then S 12 E 70 poles then S 40 W 80 Poles to a stake then W 70 poles to a Stake then N 39 E 140 poles to a Stake then N 8 W 31 poles to a stake then N 66 W 32 poles to Nathan B. WESTBROOK corner then with the reverse of his line N 15 E 76 poles to his corner Pine Stump then the reverse of his other line N 67 W 40 poles to a stake in his line, then N 2 W 42 poles to a stake Owen CONNER'S corner in John FOURDHAMS line then the reverse of CONER'S line S 53 E 58 poles to his corner Black Gum near a path in the edge of a branch then with the run of the branch to CONNER'S corner Gum in a line of the GILBERT land then with the line of that Survey N 17 W to a pine and Bull Bay in a pond then N 55 E 120 poles to the beginning containing by estimation one hundred & ninety five acres be the same more or less together with all woods waters mines and minerals and appurtenances to the said belonging or in anywise appertaining. To have and to hold to the aforesaid Harmon WESTBROOK his heirs and assigns for every all and singular the aforesaid tracts or parcel son lands that lying and being and lying on both sides of Little Chinquapin Creek & on both side os Black Swamp pocosin branch and the said James F. RHODES doth for himself his heirs and assigns warrant and defend forever the aforesaid land and premises unto him he said Harman WESTBROOK his heirs executors administrators and assigns forever. In testimony whereof I the said James F. RHODES do hereunto set my hand and seal the day and date above written. James F. RHODES (seal) In Presents of us: Wm RHODES John (his X mark) WESTBOOK North Carolina Jones County Court of Please and Quarter Sessions September Term 1845 The the Execution of the forgoing Deed was proved in Open Court by the Oath of Wm. RHODES the subscribing witness thereto in due form of law and ordered to be registered. W. HAMMOND, Clk. This file has been created by a form at File size: 4.0 Kb