JONES COUNTY, NC - DEEDS - Lewis Bryan to Elizabeth Askew, 5 Jun 1843
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         This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb
         Archives by: Ben Askew
Transcribed from the Original
Located in the State Archives, Raleigh, NC
By Ben Askew, Jr

State of North Carolina
Jones County

Known all men by these presents that I Lewis Bryan of the county of Jones and 
the state aforesaid for the love goodwill and affection which I have and do 
bear toward my daughter Elizabeth J Askew of the same county and state 
aforesaid do give and grant and by these presents have given and granted unto 
her my daughter.One tract of land patented by John ?(Aloy)? containing fifty-
four acres lying and being in the county of Jones and the state aforesaid to 
have and to hold and enjoy the whole forever without any other conditions 
beginning at a post oak at George Metts corner and runs with Phillip ?Alews 
line N 37 E 75 to a post oak his corner then with Maclewains line S 54 E 108 
poles to a red oak his corner then with George ?Becton line S 44 W 95 poles to 
his corner in George Metts line then with said Metts line to the beginning 
which land I warrant and defend against the lawful claims of all other persons 
to her her heirs and assigns forever
In witness whereof I the said Lewis Bryan have hereunto set my hand and fixed 
my seal this June 5th in the year of our Lord 1843.
Assigned sealed and delivered
In the presence of
Nathan Askew
Benjamin L Bryan

Marked by

Lewis Bryan

Proved September Term 1846