Jones County NcArchives Deed.....Weston, Bently & Delila Rhodes - Cox, Owen B. 1832
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Written: 1832

Register of Deeds Office
Jones County, NC
15 Feb 1832
Bk. 19  p. 55
Bently & Delila Rhodes Weston to Owen B. Cox

This Indenture made this the 15th day of February A. D. 1832. Between Bently 
WESTON and Delila his wife of the County of Jones and State of North Carolina 
of the one part and Owen B. COX of the same County and State of the other 
part. Witnesseth that we Bently WESTON and Delila his wife for and in 
consideration of the same of Four Hundred Dollars to them in hand paid by the 
said Owen B. COX before the sealing and Delivery of these presents the receipt 
where of is hereby acknowledged and for the same hath given granted & 
Bargained and Sold unto the said Owen B. COX his heirs and assigns forever all 
our Right title claim Interest and demand that we have in the mills and the 
lands that formally belong to the said James RHODES, Senr., Dec'd which fell 
to the said Delila at the Death of the said James RHODES her Father and the 
amount of lands that was allowed and set of with the said Mills; To have and 
to hold all our part of the said Bargained and sold mills and lands which 
contained one fifth part of said Mills and lands with all and Singular the 
rents privileges and appertainences thereunto belonging unto the said Owen B. 
COX his heirs and assigns forever and we Bently WESTON and Delila his wife do 
for ourselves and our heirs covenant and agree to and with he said Owen B. COX 
that we will from time to time and at all times warrant and forever defend the 
said Bargained and sold Mills and lands against the claim or claims of any 
persona or persons whatsoever unto the said Owen B. COX his heirs Exrs. 
Admire. and assigns forever. In witness whereof we the said Bently WESTON and 
Delila his wife hath hereunto set our hands and affix our seals day and date 
above written.
Signed: Bently (his X mark) WESTON
Delila (her X mark) WESTON
Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of :
Alfred P.? KINCY

State of North Carolina
March 14, 1833
Before me John R. DONNEL, one of the Judges personally appeared before me 
Bently WESTON and Delila his wife the parties to the foregoing deed and duly 
acknowledged the Execution thereof she the said Delila having being first 
Examined by me privately and apart from her husband the Execution thereof 
and it appears that she hath Executed the same freely and of her own accord 
without the fear or compulsion of her husband and that she doth voluntarily 
assent thereto.
Let the deed be Registered.

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