Jones County NcArchives Deed.....Westbrook, John - Westbrook, Harmon 1839
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Sloan S. Mason November 13, 2017, 5:22 pm

Written: 1839

Register of Deeds Office
Jones Co., NC
BK. 20 p. 256
24 Dec 1839

This Indenture made the 24th day of December in the year of Our Lord 1839 
between John WESTBROOK, Sr. of the one part and Harman WESTBROK of the other 
part both of the State of N. Carolina and County of Jones. Witnesseth for and 
in Consideration of the Sum of Seven Hundred Dollars to him in hand paid by 
Harman WESTBROOK the receipt and payment of which I hereby acknowledged have 
bargained and sold, and by these presents to bargain sell and convey to the 
said Harman WESTBROOK his heirs and assigns a certain parcel of land situated 
lying and being in the County aforesaid bounded and described as follows, near 
the white oak pocosin beginning at a pine, Jacob IPOCKS beginning corner and 
runs South 82 West 157 poles to a pine then South 55 West 52 poles to a sweet 
gum, then West 38 poles to a Water Oak, then South 8 1/2 West 68 poles to a 
stake, then South 88 1/2 East 56 poles to a stake, then North 87 !/2 East 6 
poles then North 24 1/2 East ten poles, then North 8 East 8 poles to a stake 
then North 87 1/2 East 30 poles to a stake, then South 13 1/2 West 20 poles to 
a stake, then East 148 poles to a stake in my old line in a place called the 
Hurricane  then North 4 West 136 poles to the beginning containing One Hundred 
and Fifty three acres of land be the same more or less to have and to hold to 
the said Harmon WESTBROOK his heirs and assigns forever after my decease and 
after my wife decease. I the said John WESTBROOK, Sr. do except my wife 
Lifetime in all of the above mentioned lands said John WESTBROOK SR. of his 
heirs executors administrators and assigns do Covenant to and with the said 
Harman WESTBROOK his heirs and assigns do Warrant and secure the premises 
herein described conveyed to the said Harman WESTBROOK his heirs and assigns 
against the lawful claims of all manner & persons whatever after use and my 
wife decease. I witness whereof I the said John WESTBROOK do herein set my 
hand and seal, the day and year first above written.
SIGNED,Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of 

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