JONES COUNTY, NC - DEEDS - John Jarman to Elenor Stanley, 5 Jan 1811
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         This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb
         Archives by: Ben Askew
Transcribed from the Original
Located in the State Archives, Raleigh, NC
By Ben Askew, Jr

This indenture made this 5th day of January 1811 between John Jarman of the 
County of Jones and State of North Carolina of the one hand and Nathaniel 
Stanley of the same place on the other __________ Witnesseth that for and in 
consideration of the natural love and affection which the said John Jarman 
hath and doth bear to his well loved daughter Elenor Stanley wife of said 
Nathaniel Stanley and for other good causes.

Especially moving the said John Jarman hath by virtue of these presents given 
granted conveyed and confirmed unto the said Nathaniel Stanley and his heirs 
__________ assigns forever a certain piece or parcel of land situate lying and 
being in the County aforesaid on the north side of Tuckahoe an the great 
branch Beginning at the blackgum and wateroak in great branch Rhodes Corner 
runs No 78 Wt 84 poles to a lightwood stump and two black? Jacks then 5055 wt 
200 poles to a black gum in the head of ?Quanspring run then No ? Et ? poles 
to hog branch then down the various courses thereof to a black gum in the 
great branch at the mouth of said hey branch thence no 23 et 50 poles to a 
pine the fith corner of a survey granted to said John Jarman then No 68 E 134 
poles to a tall bull bay standing at the run of the other prong of great 
branch then down the various courses of the same to the beginning continuing 
by estimation one hundred and twenty acres be the same more or less being part 
of a survey granted to Jacob Johnston bearing date the 28th Nov 1799 To have 
and to hold all and singular the said lands and tenements unto him the said 
Nathaniel Stanley and his heirs and assigns for ever to his and their own 
proper use benefit an behoof forever freely and quietly without any manner of 
Challenge claim or demand of the said John Jarman or any other person 
whatsoever and without any money or other thing thereof to be __________ done 
or paid unto the said John Jarman and his heirs executors or administrators or 
assigns and the said John Jarman all and singular the aforesaid lands and 
tenemants of the said Nathaniel Stanley will warrant and forever defend in 
witness whereof the said John Jarman doth hereunto set his hand and seal this 
day and year first before written signed & sealed and acknowledged in the 
presence of us testers.
A Jarman	
Lemuel Fields


John Jarman