Jones County, NC - Williams & Missillier to Frederick H. Laroque, 1846


This Indenture made and executed the 10th day of Feb'y in the year of
our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty six between Williams &
Missillier of the Town of Trenton County of Jones and State of North
Carolina of the one part and Frederick H. Laroque of the same town
county and state aforesaid of the other part - Witnesseth that for 
and in consideration of the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars to us
in hand paid by the said Frederick H. Laroque before the sealing and
delivering of these presents the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged
and we fully satisfied and paid hath granted bargained sold conveyed
and confirmed and by these presents doth grant bargain sell convey and
confirm unto the said Frederick H. Laroque his heirs and assigns in fee
simple forever a certain house or tenement in the town of Trenton on
Lot known in the plan of said town as Number fourteen on Jones Street -
To have and to hold the above bargained house or tenement with all the
improvements and appurtenances thereto belonging or in any wise 
appurtaining unto the said Frederick H. Laroque his heirs executors 
administrators and assigns in fee simple forever - And we the said
Williams & Missillier doth covenant that at the time of executing these
presents that they have an indefeasible right of inheritance and absolute
lawful authority to sell the above bargained house as by these presents
the same are hereby granted bargained sold conveyed and confirmed - And
we the said Williams & Missillier for ourselves our heirs executors and
assigns doth further covenant and agree to and with the said Frederick
H. Laroque his heirs executors and assigns to warrant and forever defend
the title to the above bargained house free and clear from any and 
incumbrances and from the claim or claims of any and all persons,
whatever and that the said Frederick H. Laroque is to have peaceable
possession and quiet enjoyment of the same without any hindrance or 
molestation done caused or suffered by them the said Williams & Missillier
In testimony whereof we have hereunto set our hands and seals the day &
year above written

Signed Sealed & delivered }                    A.C. Williams {Seal}
in presence of            }                 
Jno. Shackleford          }                    L.H. Missillier {Seal}

[Execution & recorded date not copied]


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