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Total Records: 826
1Adams, John Benjamin  __/__/__04/27/2010Shirley Mcmillan Durden The Registry
2Adams, Mitchell (Buddy) __/__/__03/16/2011Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
3Adams, Susie L.  __/__/__02/6/2006Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
4Adams, William Parker  __/__/__01/20/2006Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
5Aldridge, Glenda Maddox  __/__/__03/24/2006Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
6Alewine, Rev. Linzie J.  __/__/__01/5/2005Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
7Allen, Berlin (Woody) __/__/__03/12/2006Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
8Allen, Evelyn Justus  __/__/__11/11/2012Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
9Anderson, Ealie Albert  __/__/__07/3/2009Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
10Anderson, Henry  __/__/__03/18/2012Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
11Anderson, Jerry  __/__/__12/18/2013Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
12Anderson, Patricia Royals  __/__/__11/7/2004Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
13Anderson, Seyene Spivey  __/__/__12/13/2012Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
14Anderson, Thelma Bowen  __/__/__12/14/2009Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
15Anderson, Willie  __/__/__02/8/2008Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
16Anderson, Willie  __/__/__02/8/2008Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
17Andrews, Janie Mae Perkins  __/__/__05/19/2014Shirley Mcmillan Durden The Registry
18Anthony, Richard  __/__/__05/21/2015Jean Frost The Registry
19Arnold, Vera Jean  __/__/__05/7/2009Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
20Arnold, Willene Davis  __/__/__12/17/2007Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
21Arnold, William (Billy) __/__/__03/12/2012Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
22Arnold, Willie  __/__/__05/20/2010Shirley Mcmillan Durden The Registry
23Bagley, Eddie Thomas  __/__/__10/24/2013Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
24Bailey, James Edward  __/__/__08/9/2014Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
25Bailey, John Henry  __/__/__12/22/2013Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
26Baker, Betty Sue Flanders Hulsey  __/__/__07/13/2014Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
27Barlow, Andy  __/__/____/__/2007Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
28Barlow, Andy  __/__/__10/1/2007Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
29Barlow, Andy  __/__/__10/1/2007Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
30Barlow, Carla Jean Carver  __/__/__05/10/2010Shirley Mcmillan Durden The Registry
31Barlow, Della Palmer  __/__/__12/20/2015Shirley Mcmillan Durden The Registry
32Barlow, Lurie Lee Parker  __/__/__04/17/2009Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
33Batten, Joe Ben  __/__/__01/11/2009Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
34Baxley, Agnes McNeal  __/__/__12/23/2004Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
35Benefield, Fannie Bennett  __/__/__08/30/2011Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
36Benefield, James Elijah (J.E.) __/__/__11/9/2014Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
37Bennefield, Jean Claire Vickers Lott  __/__/__10/25/2007Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
38Bennett, Alice Hewitt  __/__/__07/14/2008Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
39Bennett, Alice Myrtle Hood  __/__/__01/21/2006Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
40Bennett, Billy Elton  __/__/__10/24/2013Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
41Bennett, Charles Edward  __/__/__10/9/2007Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
42Bennett, Cliff  __/__/__11/17/2011Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
43Bennett, Joe H.  __/__/____/__/2007Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
44Bennett, Judy Christine  __/__/__09/16/2010Shirley Mcmillan Durden The Registry
45Bennett, Mary Frances Crosby  __/__/__11/3/2009Shirley Mcmillan Durden The Registry
46Bennett, Myrtice  __/__/__12/21/2013Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
47Bennett, Norma Ann  __/__/__03/13/2011Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
48Bennett, Russell L. (Buck) __/__/__01/5/2015Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
49Bennett, Stella Mae Ballance  __/__/__01/26/2007Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
50Bernard, Mary Louise Luke  __/__/__07/19/2006Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
51Biles, Carolyn Buffaloe  __/__/__10/6/2012Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
52Blanchard, Meghan Noel  __/__/__02/7/2014Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
53Blount, Loyd Parker  __/__/__02/4/2010Shirley Mcmillan Durden The Registry
54Blue, Beatrice C. Corbitt McDonald (Bea) __/__/__01/18/2011Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
55Blue, Charlie J.  __/__/__09/24/2011Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
56Boatright, Lucille Adams  __/__/__07/19/2007Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
57Boatwright, Carmen Etteinne Davis  __/__/__10/25/2013Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
58Boone, Luzy Deen  __/__/__05/22/2010Shirley Mcmillan Durden The Registry
59Boone, Mary Jernigan  __/__/__09/3/2012Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
60Boone, Sidney E.  __/__/__08/17/2007Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
61Bowen, Billy R. Sr.  __/__/__01/6/2014Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
62Bowen, J. C.  __/__/__01/28/2008Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
63Bowen, James Harvey  __/__/__04/21/2012Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
64Bowen, Leon S. Sr. (Bobby Gene) __/__/__01/25/2006Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
65Bowen, Linda McDonald  __/__/__07/18/2008Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
66Bowen, Louella Giddens  __/__/__11/19/2008Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
67Boyd, Wanda Jean  __/__/__11/19/2013Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
68Bragg, Ruby Edna White  __/__/__07/18/2006Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
69Bridges, Sandra Gail Burch  __/__/__04/28/2015Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
70Brinson, Robert Jefferson  __/__/__07/9/2013Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
71Brogdon, Johnny Tillman  __/__/__06/10/2009Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
72Broussard, Nancy Lucille Clement  __/__/__07/29/2013Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
73Brown, G. W.  __/__/__12/13/2005Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
74Brown, Glenda Atwell Corbett  __/__/__01/5/2005Shirley Mcmillan Durden The Registry
75Brown, Glenda Atwell  __/__/__01/5/2005Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
76Browning, Harvey Lavon  __/__/__11/6/2012Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
77Bryant, Elisha L.  __/__/__10/14/2015Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
78Bryant, Willie Eston  __/__/__02/9/2008Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
79Burch, William Ralph  __/__/__11/8/2004Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
80Byrd, Elma Wilkerson  __/__/__06/2/2009Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
81Cady, David  __/__/__08/2/2006Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
82Calhoun, Frederick (Ricky) __/__/__09/7/2010Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
83Caraballo-Garcia, Esperanza  __/__/__10/13/2005Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
84Cardoza, Eva Esther Morales  __/__/__03/14/2015Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
85Carmichael, Eugene B. Jr.  __/__/__07/26/2007Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
86Carmichael, Eugene B. Jr.  __/__/__07/26/2007Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
87Carmichael, Regina Suzette Stalvey  __/__/__08/27/2013Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
88Carter, Doris Elizabeth Douglas  __/__/__05/16/2014Shirley Mcmillan Durden The Registry
89Carter, Era Gillis  __/__/__07/7/2010Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
90Carter, Eunice Elizabeth  __/__/__09/18/2010Shirley Mcmillan Durden The Registry
91Carter, Henry Grady  __/__/__02/8/2015Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
92Carter, Joann Thigpen  __/__/__04/20/2014Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
93Cason, Olivia Joyce  __/__/__01/23/2009Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
94Castillo, Alberto  __/__/__05/16/2004Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
95Castillo, Alonzo Cruz  __/__/__05/16/2004Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
96Cecil, Kenneth Irwin  __/__/__11/13/2012Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
97Childs, Billy Langston  __/__/__07/20/2013Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
98Childs, Jessie Moore  __/__/__11/28/2013Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
99Christopher, William "bill" Jr.  __/__/__01/24/2014Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
100Clement, Alton 27  __/__/____/__/2005Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
101Clement, Alvita Tyson  __/__/__01/25/2008Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
102Clement, Elizann Giddens  __/__/__07/17/2005Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
103Clement, Heloise Starling  __/__/__08/4/2007Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
104Clement, Janie Lott  __/__/__12/25/2004Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
105Clement, Jesse Loran  __/__/__11/4/2012Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
106Coffee, Mattie Bell  __/__/__09/29/2014Shirley Mcmillan Durden The Registry
107Coffee, Ruth Autry Biddy  __/__/__02/24/2010Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
108Conger, Clayton  __/__/__11/27/2007Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
109Conger, Maedell Duggan  __/__/__03/16/2012Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
110Contreras, Eva Araceli  __/__/__12/25/2006Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
111Cook, Eula James  __/__/__03/21/2014Shirley Mcmillan Durden The Registry
112Cook, Tommy David  __/__/__11/26/2006Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
113Coppage, Curtis Wayne  __/__/__11/9/2008Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
114Coppage, Judy McDonald  __/__/__11/28/2005Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
115Corbett, Anne Mary Evans  __/__/__04/15/2009Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
116Corbitt, Bertha Nell Wood  __/__/__07/13/2010Shirley Mcmillan Durden The Registry
117Corbitt, Bill  __/__/__08/26/2004Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
118Corbitt, Bobby Edwin  __/__/__01/7/2010Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
119Corbitt, Cal  __/__/__05/7/2010Shirley Mcmillan Durden The Registry
120Corbitt, Cary H.  __/__/__07/25/2005Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
121Corbitt, Clyde  __/__/__10/4/2008Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
122Corbitt, Curtis Marlow  __/__/__12/12/2010Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
123Corbitt, Rev. Curtis M.  __/__/__03/19/2010Shirley Mcmillan Durden The Registry
124Corbitt, Edith Arlene Haddon  __/__/__04/28/2013Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
125Corbitt, Issac Hill  __/__/__12/27/2009Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
126Corbitt, Jathon  __/__/__03/3/2004Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
127Corbitt, Jimmy  __/__/__02/23/2013Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
128Corbitt, Lige Alston (Buddy) __/__/__09/14/2003Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
129Corbitt, Linda Fran  __/__/__05/26/2008Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
130Corbitt, Lois Highsmith  __/__/__05/11/2007Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
131Corbitt, Mary Alice Taft  __/__/__12/2/2008Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
132Corbitt, Rosa Lee (Babe) __/__/__06/3/2005Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
133Corbitt, Rowan  __/__/__01/20/2014Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
134Corbitt, Theresa Corbitt  __/__/__03/30/2004Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
135Cothern, Ricky  __/__/__09/9/2013Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
136Courseon, Virue Palmer  __/__/__06/1/2009Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
137Courson, Terry  __/__/__01/9/2009Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
138Courson, Willie Mae Stephens  __/__/__12/10/2009Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
139Cowart, Eva Ferguson  __/__/__02/22/2013Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
140Cowart, Riley J.  __/__/__07/21/2005Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
141Crawford, Steve (Tankie) __/__/__04/22/2012Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
142Crenshaw, Marian Smith (Penny) __/__/__03/5/2012Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
143Cribb, Benjamin Franklin  __/__/__12/26/2004Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
144Cribb, Gladys L. Robinson  __/__/__12/7/2012Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
145Cribb, Henry Carter  __/__/__06/16/1998Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
146Cribb, Thomas Edward Sr. (Buddy) __/__/__12/13/2006Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
147Cribbs, Elton Sr.  __/__/__05/5/2009Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
148Critzer, Dorothy Marie Burnett  __/__/__02/17/2012Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
149Critzer, James Thomas  __/__/__01/9/2006Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
150Crosby, Betty J. Sharpe  __/__/__02/13/2008Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
151Crosby, Clarence (Bo) __/__/__12/16/2013Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
152Crosby, Curtis  __/__/__03/11/2011Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
153Crosby, Delouis Henderson  __/__/__10/14/2004Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
154Crosby, Emma Jane Walsh  __/__/__12/4/2004Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
155Crosby, Johnny Wayne  __/__/__11/28/2010Shirley Mcmillan Durden The Registry
156Crosby, Marjorie Fender  __/__/__08/29/2015Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
157Crosby, Mary Edna  __/__/__03/31/2009Shirley Mcmillan Durden The Registry
158Crosby, Ricky  __/__/__10/3/2011Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
159Crosby, Salter  __/__/__03/15/2012Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
160Crosby, Vivian Rowe  __/__/__06/16/2010Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
161Cruz, Miguel Angel  __/__/__05/16/2004Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
162Dacquigan, Verdia Mae Williams  __/__/__09/25/2005Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
163Daniels, Homer Lee  __/__/__11/22/2007Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
164Daniels, Rena McKinnon  __/__/__08/1/2014Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
165Davis, Betty J. Corbitt  __/__/__10/5/2006Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
166Davis, Billy  __/__/__12/15/2007Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
167Davis, Brandy Nicole Griffin (Nikki) __/__/__07/15/2015Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
168Davis, Cathy Lynn Dorminey  __/__/__02/4/2006Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
169Davis, Chlora Fountain  __/__/__01/12/2014Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
170Davis, Dodgerie Tanner  __/__/__11/28/2007Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
171Davis, Donald O'Neal (Don) __/__/__10/25/2008Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
172Davis, Edward C.  __/__/__12/23/2005Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
173Davis, Evon Burch  __/__/__11/18/2004Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
174Davis, Ferra Lee Fountain  __/__/__08/29/2004Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
175Davis, Foster T. Jr. (Den) __/__/__05/21/2015Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
176Davis, Georgia Brown  __/__/__10/19/2004Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
177Davis, Dr. Horace Edwin  __/__/__02/2/2007Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
178Davis, Rev. James Williard  __/__/__06/1/2012Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
179Davis, Jeddie Talmadge  __/__/__01/3/2011Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
180Davis, Joe Elton  __/__/__05/16/2006Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
181Davis, John  __/__/__10/27/2012Shirley Mcmillan Durden The Registry
182Davis, Lee L.  __/__/__12/10/2008Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
183Davis, Lucille Corbitt  __/__/__03/15/2010Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
184Davis, Lucille Shiver (Nona) __/__/__04/27/2011Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
185Davis, Lunette Boyd  __/__/__05/28/2005Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
186Davis, Marion D. (Bunk) __/__/__05/30/2010Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
187Davis, Orbie D.  __/__/__10/21/2006Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
188Davis, Rose Ann Reliford  __/__/__07/20/2006Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
189Davis, Ruth Wilson Harrell  __/__/__10/20/2006Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
190Davis, Thomas James  __/__/__10/22/2004Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
191Davis, Tommy  __/__/__09/7/2007Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
192Dawson, Era Hewitt  __/__/__12/31/2004Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
193Dawson, Neal  __/__/__06/13/2009Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
194DeCosta, Norman Lester  __/__/__07/27/2009Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
195Deen, Doris Vickers  __/__/__03/24/2015Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
196Deen, Lanelda Sears  __/__/__03/10/2010Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
197Deen, Lloyd Elton  __/__/__12/23/2011Shirley Mcmillan Durden The Registry
198Deen, Vivian Baker McMillan (Jerry) __/__/__12/9/2006Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
199Dees, Millie Ann Corbitt Jewell  __/__/__08/8/2009Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry
200Delk, Grace Newmans  __/__/__12/31/2006Shirley McMillan Durden The Registry

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