North Carolina USGenWeb Archives

Lenoir County, North Carolina
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Total Records: 120
1Aldridge, William  __/__/____/__/1870Rose Parks
2Arundell, William  __/__/____/__/1822Francis R Hodges
3Bagby, Helen  __/__/__09/28/1880Guy Potts The Registry
4Barwick, Craven  __/__/____/__/1885Allen J. Barwick
5Becton, Nancy  __/__/____/__/1869Patricia H. Armor
6Blount, Nathan  __/__/____/__/1849Martha M. Marble The Registry
7Bright, Simon Jr.  __/__/____/__/1775Francis R. Hodges
8Bright, Simon IV  __/__/____/__/__Martha M. Marble The Registry
9Britt, B. Sr.  __/__/____/__/1891Judy Ginn The Registry
10Broadway, Jesse    __/__/____/__/1883Sloan S. Mason The Registry
11Broadway, Jesse      __/__/____/__/1883Sloan S. Mason The Registry
12Brown, Argent  __/__/____/__/1867Rose Parks
13Brown, William  __/__/____/__/1846Rose Parks
14Carr, Mathew  __/__/____/__/1870Patricia H. Armor
15Carraway, Snoad  __/__/____/__/1856Rose Parks
16Cobb, John  __/__/____/__/1834Francis R. Hodges
17Creech, Benjamin  __/__/____/__/1802Francis R. Hodges
18Croom, William  __/__/____/__/1828Guy Potts The Registry
19Daly, James  __/__/____/__/1937Hazel Yarbrough
20Davis, James  __/__/____/__/1846Sloan S. Mason The Registry
21Davis, Rachael  __/__/____/__/1828Martha M. Marble The Registry
22Davis, Windall    __/__/____/__/1833Sloan S. Mason The Registry
23Dawson, Joseph  __/__/____/__/1784Dan Jackson
24Dawson, Thomas  __/__/____/__/1816Rose Parks
25Dunn, Cynthia  __/__/__03/11/1884Guy Potts The Registry
26Dunn, Walter  __/__/____/__/__Guy Potts The Registry
27Dunn, Wills __/__/____/__/__ 
28Dupree, Furney     __/__/____/__/1877Sloan S. Mason The Registry
29Estates, Abstracted  __/__/____/__/__Russell King
30Faulkner, Leander    __/__/____/__/1889Sloan S. Mason The Registry
31Ferrel, Jesse    __/__/____/__/1883Sloan S. Mason The Registry
32Ferrel, Jesse      __/__/____/__/1883Sloan S. Mason The Registry
33Ferrell, William  __/__/____/__/1823G. Hunter Ferrell
34Fields, Alexander  __/__/____/__/1881Guy Potts The Registry
35Fields, Bartholomew  __/__/____/__/1901Guy Potts The Registry
36Fields, Betsy  __/__/____/__/1891Guy Potts The Registry
37Fields, Henry  __/__/____/__/1891Guy Potts The Registry
38Fields, Malachi  __/__/____/__/1891Guy Potts The Registry
39Fields, R.  __/__/____/__/1886Guy Potts The Registry
40Fields, William  __/__/____/__/1884Guy Potts The Registry
41Fonville, Mary  __/__/____/__/1895Jim Gaddis
42Foss, Nancy  __/__/____/__/1900Leo Anderson
43Gilbert, William  __/__/____/__/1928Jack Gilbert
44Gooding, Fredrick  __/__/____/__/1793Rose Parks
45Hardee, Nancy  __/__/____/__/1843Martha M. Marble The Registry
46Hardee, Sarah  __/__/____/__/1798Francis R. Hodges
47Hardy, James Marshall      __/__/____/__/1919Sloan S. Mason The Registry
48Harper, Charlotte  __/__/____/__/1871Francis R. Hodges
49Harvey, Thomas  __/__/____/__/1868Martha M. Marble The Registry
50Henry, Elizabeth  __/__/____/__/1858Martha M. Marble The Registry
51Herring, Henry  __/__/____/__/__Martha M. Marble The Registry
52Herring, Nancy  __/__/____/__/1873Martha M. Marble The Registry
53Herring, Simon  __/__/____/__/1842Leo Anderson
54Hill, Drury  __/__/____/__/1870Patricia H. Armor
55Hill, F.  __/__/____/__/1932Hazel Yarbrough
56Hill, Levi  __/__/____/__/1893Judy Ginn The Registry
57Hill, Nathan  __/__/____/__/1903Judy Ginn The Registry
58Hill, Thomas  __/__/____/__/1897Judy Ginn The Registry
59Hines, Joel  __/__/____/__/1844Christine G. Thacker The Registry
60Holloway, Thomas  __/__/____/__/1818Martha M. Marble The Registry
61Hooten, Council  __/__/____/__/1891Sloan S. Mason The Registry
62Isler, Stephen  __/__/____/__/1912Sharon Normark
63Jones, Lewis  __/__/____/__/1858Martha M. Marble The Registry
64Jones, Mary  __/__/____/__/1926Ouida Allison
65Kenady, Henry  __/__/____/__/1829Mark Valsame
66Kennedy, Jesse  __/__/____/__/1853Bill Hill & Beverly German
67Kennedy, John  __/__/____/__/1832Bill Hill & Beverly German
68Kennedy, Walter  __/__/____/__/1876Francis R. Hodges
69King, John  __/__/____/__/1874Martha M. Marble The Registry
70King, Richard  __/__/____/__/1883Martha M. Marble The Registry
71Kinsey, Philepenah  __/__/____/__/1820Martha M. Marble The Registry
72Loftin, John  __/__/____/__/1844Martha M. Marble The Registry
73Loftin, Joseph  __/__/____/__/1834Martha M. Marble The Registry
74Loftin, Joseph  __/__/____/__/__Martha M. Marble The Registry
75Lovick, William  __/__/____/__/1858Martha M. Marble The Registry
76Mewborn, Moses   __/__/__10/30/1716Linda Harmon
77Moore, Needham  __/__/____/__/__Martha M. Marble The Registry
78Moore, Thomas  __/__/____/__/1885Martha M. Marble The Registry
79Nelson, John  __/__/____/__/1903Gloria Taylor
80Nethercutt, Nancy  __/__/____/__/1874Judy Ginn The Registry
81Parrott, Benjamin  __/__/____/__/1871Martha M. Marble The Registry
82Parrott, Jacob  __/__/____/__/1855Francis R. Hodges
83Parrott, John  __/__/____/__/1792Francis R. Hodges
84Parrott, Simon  __/__/____/__/1776Francis R. Hodges
85Peebles, John  __/__/____/__/1864Martha M. Marble The Registry
86Phillips, Drewry  __/__/____/__/1870Patricia H. Armor
87Phillips, William  __/__/____/__/1853Martha M. Marble The Registry
88Rhem, Melcher  __/__/____/__/1852Martha M. Marble The Registry
89Robinson, Charles  __/__/____/__/1860Martha M. Marble The Registry
90Rouse, Estates  __/__/____/__/__Guy Potts The Registry
91Stanley, Barney  __/__/____/__/1884Judy Ginn The Registry
92Stanley, Elizabeth  __/__/____/__/1894Tammy G. Tyner
93Stroud, Isaac  __/__/____/__/__Sloan S. Mason The Registry
94Sugg, Martha  __/__/____/__/1854Carol P. Martoccia
95Sutton, Benjamin  __/__/____/__/1832Martha M. Marble The Registry
96Sutton, Benjamin Sr.  __/__/____/__/1863Tory S. Helmon
97Sutton, Cora  __/__/____/__/1891Martha M. Marble
98Sutton, Hardy  __/__/____/__/1861Martha M. Marble The Registry
99Sutton, John  __/__/____/__/1850Martha M. Marble The Registry
100Sutton, William  __/__/____/__/1884Martha M. Marble The Registry
101Taylor, Edwin  __/__/____/__/__Martha M. Marble The Registry
102Taylor, Isaac  __/__/____/__/1822Martha M. Marble The Registry
103Thomas, Hezekiah  __/__/____/__/1881Patricia H. Armor
104Tilghman, Joseph     __/__/____/__/1852Sloan S. Mason The Registry
105Tilghman, Wilson         __/__/____/__/1880Sloan S. Mason The Registry
106Tull, Charles  __/__/____/__/1835Martha M. Marble The Registry
107Tull, John  __/__/____/__/1820Martha M. Marble The Registry
108Tull, John      3/9/182010/18/1820Sloan MasonThe Registry
109Tull, William  __/__/____/__/1819Martha M. Marble The Registry
110Turner, Simon  __/__/____/__/1761Martha M. Marble The Registry
111Waller, Joseph  __/__/____/__/1879Sloan S. Mason The Registry
112Watson, Joseph  __/__/____/__/1831Martha M. Marble The Registry
113Watson, Joseph      __/__/____/__/1833Martha M. Marble The Registry
114Whitfield, Lewis  __/__/____/__/1850Martha M. Marble The Registry
115Whitfield, Lewis  __/__/____/__/1848Martha M. Marble The Registry
116Whitfield, Lewis  __/__/____/__/1848Martha M. Marble The Registry
117Whitfield, William  __/__/____/__/1851Martha M. Marble The Registry
118Williams, William  __/__/____/__/1889Martha M. Marble The Registry
119Witherington, Elizabeth  __/__/____/__/1800Jean Witherington
120Wood, James  __/__/____/__/1836Martha M. Marble The Registry

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