NC, Lenoir, Deeds, Division of Lands to Heirs of Jesse Kennedy

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 "In the name of God amen, I, Jesse Kennedy of the County of Lenoir and State of North 

Carolina bring of sound disposing mind and memory do this the 28th day of December 
1853 make publick and declare this my last will and testament in the name and form 
following. That is to say, 

First I lend  unto my beloved wife Elizabeth Kennedy during her 
natural life one third of all my lands which I shall hereinafter give to my sons Thomas 
and Bright Kennedy to be laid off so as to make an equal quantity on each of my said sons 
lands. Also  the following negro slaves viz Anthony, Peter, Nancy, Pleasant, Jim, Aggy, 
Jane and boy Pinkney and also young Pleasant Nancy's child. I also give to my said wife 
two head of horses, four cows and calves, four sows and pigs, two feather beds and 
furniture and a sufficiency of provisions of every discription to serve her and her 
family a a year. 

Item 2nd. I give unto my daughter Harriet Parrott the following negroes viz, Prife and 
her four children with all her future increase from this time, and girls Judea and Liza 
after the death of my wife one negro girl by the name of Jane and child and all her future 
increase from this time together with all the negroes  with all the negroes heretofore 
given her to her and her heirs forever.

Item 3rd. I give and bequeath unto my Grandson Lemuel Byrd, provided he shall attain 
the age of twenty one years and have a child lawfully begotten the following negroes viz, 
Mima and all her children together with all their future increase from this date. But if 
the said Lemuel Byrd shall die without lawful issue then and in that case it is my will and 
desire that the above named negroes and their increase shall be equally divided among my 
surviving children or their children and to the surviving children of my dec'd daughter 
Eliza Kennedy. 

Item 4th. I lend unto my daughter Sarah Parrott during her natural life 
the following negroes, viz; William, Bryant, Ann, Mariah, William and Mary, Aggy's 
children and their future increase from this day and after the death of my said daughter I 
give and bequeath the aforesaid negroes with their future increase unto the children of 
my said daughter, and after the death of her mother Aggy and her youngest child 
(Catherine) with their future increase from this day given and bequeathed on the same 
conditions of the above.

Item 5th.I give and bequeath unto the five children of my dec'd daughter Eliza Kennedy or 
the survivors of them the following negroes viz; Marian and her children, Susan and her 
children, Emm and her children and Smithy with all their future increase from this 

Item 6th. I give and bequeath unto my son Thomas J. Kennedy the following tracts or 
parcels of land viz; all the land I purchased from Richard Croom, all the lands I 
purchased from Wm. Croom and fifteen acres contained in a patent granted to me dated 
the 10th day of July 1795 and all the woodland or timbered lands lying on the west side 
of plantation whereon I now live also one half of all the lands I purchased from J. C. 
Washington and others known as the James R. Croom lands. After setting apart to my son 
Bright Kennedy ten acres around and includintg the house which I have lately built on 
said land. To be divided by a line as nearly equal as can be done between him and my said 
son Bright Kennedy after setting apart the aforesaid ten acres and also the followintg 
negroes viz John, George, Nicholas and Betsy and after the death of his mother Anthony, 
Pleasaant and Pinkney to him and his heirs forever with all future increase.

Item 7th. I give and bequeath unto my son Bright Kennedy all the lands whereon I now 
live except such as I have heretofore given to my son Thomas. Also ten acres of the land I 
purchased from J. C. Washington and others known as the lands of James R. Croom 
around and including the houses I have recently built on said land. Also one half of the 
remainder of said lands which is to be divided by a line as nearly equal as can be done 
between him and my son Thomas, after setting apart to him the aforesaid ten acres 
around and including the houses before mentioned.  Also the following negroes viz, Ben, 
Jack, Elias, Patsy and after the death of his mother Peter, Nancy, Jim and young 
Pleasaant and their future increase from this date to him and his heirs forever.

Item 8th. All the rest and residue of my property not herein before given away I leave to 
be sold on a credit of six months and the proceeds arising therefrom together with all the 
debts due me and what money I may have on hand I leave to be equally divided between my 
wife and all my children that may be living at my death and  to the children of those that 
may be living at my death and to the children of of those that are now dead or who may die 
before I do, their children to receive the distribution share of their dec'd parents except 
Lemuel Byrd. Lastly I hereby nominate and appoint my son Thomas J. Kennedy and my 
friend Lewis C. Desmond executors to this my last will and testament with full power to 
carry the same into full effect. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and 
affixed my seal on this day and date aboove mentioned.

Signed, sealed published                                                       (seal)
and declared by the testator in presence
of us who in the
presence of each
other have witness
the same."