LENOIR COUNTY, NC - WILLS - Isaac Taylor, 1822. ========================================================================= USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or for presentation by other persons or organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than stated above must obtain the written consent of the file contributor, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. This file was contributed by: Martha Mewborn Marble <mmarble@erols.com> July 1999 ========================================================================== WILL OF ISAAC TAYLOR, 1822 Copy found in the Collection of Norman Dickerson and sent by his son in law. (See under Document Collections) In the name of God, Amen I, Isaac Taylor of Lenoir County in the State of North Carolina being stricken in years but of sound mind and understanding and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die do this eighth day of July in the years of our lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty two do make and declare this to be and contain my Last will and Testament. FIRST: I most humbly recommend my soul to almighty God from whose bounteous hands I receive the same in hope that in and through the merits of Jesus Christ and his sufferings he will enjoy peace, happiness and rest in the glorious world to come - SECONDLY: I desire that my remains be entered in my own Burial Ground on the plantation where on Thomas Jones now lives, in a decent and christian like manner - THIRDLY: I desire that all just debts from me owing and the expense of my funeral be paid as soon as the same can conveniently be done - FOURTHLY - I lend to my dear beloved wife HENRIETTA TAYLOR the land and plantation whereon I now live with three hundred and fifty five acres of land adjoining thereto, three negroes to wit BOB, NED, and SAL, all my stock of horses, cattle, and hogs, with two bar plows and three flukes, with three sets of plow gears, eight head of sheep, all the geese and poultry and loom with all the untensils thereunto belonging, one side saddle and bridle, one riding chair and harness, four feather beds, steads and furniture, one desk, five hoes, four axes, two woolen wheels, two linen wheels, one dozen chairs, two tables, three chests, one dozen plates, three dishes, five barons, one dozen spoons, all the earthen ware, three pots, books and trammels, one grid iron and griddle, soiset ? and skillet, one coffee mill, all my tubs, pales and biggins ? and case of knives and folks, two frying pans, one last, corn and meat for one years, one grind stone, all the cotton and wool, wool and cotton ! cards, to her during her natural life or widowhood - FIFTHLY - I give and bequeath to my son BURRELL TAYLOR, forty pounds current money of this state to be raised out of my estate, to him his heirs and assigns forever - SIXTHLY - I give and bequeath to my daughter MARY and wife of JESSE MELTON, forty pounds current money of this state to her, her heirs and assigns forever - SEVENTHLY - I give and bequeath to my son STANTON TAYLOR three surveys of land I have on Barr's Folly, which he has now in his possession, and one negro man named NED, after the marriage or death of his mother and Negro boy named SAM and the time of two indentured molatto boys JARK and LEWIS, my compass and chain, my money seals and waits. I leave the use of my black smith tools to my three sons, STANTON, ISAAC and GREENE, not be removed unless it be by consent - EIGHTLY - I give and bequeath to my son ISAAC TAYLOR, one hundred acres of land beginning at a red oak near the old grave yard, including the cleared land, and to have liberty to cut timber round on GREEN'S land to keep it under fence. I also give to my son ISAAC, one negro man named BOB and one negro boy named TONEY. BOB to be his after the marriage or death of his mother, and all my wearing apparrell, to him his heirs and assigns forever - NIINTHLY - I give and bequeath to my daughter NANCY LOFTIN one negro wench named JUDE and a negro boy named JARVICE, to her, her heirs and assigns forever - TENTHLY - I give and bequeath to my daughter GETSEY TAYLOR, one Negro wench named TINER with all her increase and one Negro buy named LEWIS and one Negro boy named RUTIN. It is my will and desire that my wife have the use of BARBARY as long as she lives or until she marries and then to my daughter GATSEY. I also leave the use of my loom, with all the eutenteals, thereto belonging to my two daughters GATSEY and HEPSEY until one of them should marry and then to the other. I also leave to my daughter, GATSEY, one feather bed, stead and furniture with one side saddle, and if either of my two daughters, GATSEY or HEPSEY should die without heir, the their lot of negroes to be divided between STANTON, ISAAC, NACY ELANDER and the other yet living, to her, her heirs and assigns forever - ELEVENTLY - I give and bequeath to my daughter, HEPSIBETH TAYLOR, two Negro women, SAL and CLARY, with all their increase. One feather bed, stead and furniture, with one side saddle, to her, her heirs and assigns forever - TWELTHLY - I give and bequeath to my son GREENE TAYLOR, the land and plantation whereon I now live, with all my other lands not here to fore given, with three Negroes to wit - WADE, SIMON, REUBIN, to him, his heirs and assigns forever. THIRTEENTHLY - I give and bequeath to my daughter ELEANOR, the wife of ISAAC HARDEE, two Negro girls, RHODA and HANNAH and the life time of two indentured molatto girls named PET and CATE, to her, her heirs and assigns forever - FOURTEENTHLY - This is my will and desire that the remaining part of my personal estate of every kind, together with the legacy left my wife, after her death or marriage be equally divided at the discretion of my executors, by selling the same and dividing the money arriving therefrom or by dividing the property as they may think most advisable, between my children, to wit - STANTON, ISAAC,GATSEY, HEPSEY and ELEANOR, share and share alike, to them and each of them, their heirs, and assigns forever - LASTLY - I nominate, constitute and appoint my wife, HENREITTA TAYLOR, STANTON TAYLOR and ISAAC TAYLOR executors to this my last will and testament, hereby revoking and disannuling all other will or wills by me made and confirming this and only this to be and contain my last will and testament and request that they will execute the same according to my true intent and meaning. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal, the day and year first herein mentioned. ISAAC TAYLOR Signed sealed published and declared By the Testator as and for his last will And testament, containing fourteen pages In presence of us. JOHN JACKSON, WM WAYNE, D. CASWELL This was the lat will and testament of ISAAC TAYLOR, duly exhibited into court and proved by the oaths of WILLIAM WAYNE and DALLAM CASWELL, who swore they saw the testator sign and publish the same to be and contain his last will and testament. At the same time STANTON TAYLOR one of the executors therein named appeared and was duly qualified agreeable to law; therefore ordered that letters tentamentary issue accordingly. D. Caswell