LENOIR COUNTY, NC - WILLS - Simon Turner of S'hmp. Co., VA, 1761. ========================================================================= USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or for presentation by other persons or organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than stated above must obtain the written consent of the file contributor, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. This file was contributed by: Martha Mewborn Marble <mmarble@erols.com> July 1999 ========================================================================== Copy of original found at Heritage Place, Lenoir County Community College. NOTE: Although this is a Southampton County, Va. Will, it refers to land in Johnston County (now Lenoir) and some of Simon's children moved to Dobbs Co., NC. --mmm WILL OF SIMON TURNER OF SOUTHAMPTON COUNTY, VIRGINIA In the name of God, Amen, I SIMON TURNER of Southampton County, being of sound mind ---- to be buried at the descretion of my executors ITEM: I give my tract of land lying in Brunswick County on the Top Branch containing 350 acres to my sons SIMON and WILLIAM to be divided by the water courses - all of the land on the west side containing 175 acres I give to son SIMON and all on the east side I give to son WILLIAM ITEM: I give all my tract of 115 acres on Meherrin River in Brunswick County to be equally divided between my sons ARTHUR and THOMAS --- THOMAS to have the upper part ITEM: I give to son WILLIAM the lands left to me by the Will of FRANCIS EXUM; I give to my son WILLIAM my tract of land lying in the fork of BEAR CREEK IN JOHNSTON COUNTY IN NORTH CAROLINA containing about 200 acres of land --- I give to WILLIAM all my crops on said land ITEM: I give to my son ARTHUR the upper part of my land in Southampton County where I now live - 355 acres --- also to ARTHUR my land in JOHNSTON COUNTY, NC that I purchased of JAMES ARDE - also the crops on said land ITEM: I give to my son THOMAS the plantation where I now live - the remainder not given to ARTHUR --- also to THOMAS my tract in JOHNSTON COUNTY, NC where DREW ALDRIDGE now lives and crops I give to WILLIAM, ARTHUR, and THOMAS all the stock, horses, cattle, hogs on the plantation in JOHNSTON COUNTY. ITEM: To TURNER BYNUM I give the land where my daughter JENNETT BYNUM lives ITEM: to sons ARTHUR and THOMAS all the benefits of a bond from WM. TAYLOR in JOHNSTON COUNTY NC - 150 acres to be divided equally ITEM: to son JOHN all in stock, cattle and hogs on his plantation in Brunswick County on Great Swamp. I give to my daughter, MILLE, all my stock, cattle, hogs on my plantation in Northampton county, NC that I purchased of EDWARD REGASON (?) ITEM: I give to son, SIMON, my smallest still - son, THOMAS, my largest still - son, WILLIAM, one feather bed and furniture; to daughter, MILLE, one feather bed and furniture; son, ARTHUR, one feather bed and furniture; the same to THOMAS ITEM: I give to son, WILLIAM, five Negroes viz - DICK, CHARLS, LUCY NAUHUPTY JAMES and PETER ITEM: I give to my daughter, MILLE, four Negroes viz - JIM, MOSES, SILVIAH, and ROSE ITEM: I give to son, ARTHUR, three Negroes viz - JACOB, HARRY, and TABB ITEM: I give to son, THOMAS, three Negroes - viz - TOM, LITTE JERNISE (?), and ANNANA ITEM: I give to daughter, JENNETT BYNUM, four Negroes - viz - CASTER, LONDON, FORTUNE and BONPEY during her life then to be divided by her children, MILLE, TURNER, BENNE, and LUGAL (?) ITEM: I give to my daughter, DORCAS PERSON, three Negroes viz - BEN, PHILLIS (only two named) ITEM: I give to my son SIMON - called one Negro man, JEMMIE ITEM: I give to LUCY PERSON my Negro girl named LINDER ITEM: I give to TURNER PERSON my Negro girl FANNY I appoint JOHN PERSON and my son SIMON as executors Written 7 July 1761 Signed SIMON (X) TURNER WIT THOS. CLIFTON, JOHN M. LEMORE (?), ELIZA (X) LEMORE, MARY (X) PENCE To Court 10 December 1761 - proved by oath of ALBRIDGTON JONES, HENRY (X) VAUGHAN ..