Lenoir County, NC - Will of Melcher Rhem, 1852 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WILL OF MELCHER RHEM Original Will found at the NC Archives, NC Supreme Court Case #8498. In the name of God, Amen. I, Melcher Rhem of the County of Lenoir and State of North Carolina, being at this time in good bodily health, and of Sound mind and memory, blessed be God for it. Knowing the uncertainty of life, and concious from my advanced age, and infirmities incident thereto that the time of my departure draweth nigh, do make this my last Will and Testament, in manner and words following: that is to Say, First I give my body to the dust, and my soul to God that gave it. Secondly. The lands I now reside on in the County of Lenoir, and the lands I purchased on the Snow hills, the old Richard Watson plantation, all my lands lying and adjoining Moseley's Creek and on the waters of said Creek, being in Craven County, comprehending all the land I possess in the aforesaid Counties I wish to be sold and the proceeds of the sale of said lands I give and bequeath equally amongst my four children viz: Emily Rhem, wife of John Rhem illegitimate child, Martha A. West, wife of George W. West also illegitimate, Christiana Rhem and Nancy Rhem legitimate heirs. For the last two mentioned heirs I give and bequeath the two hundred acres of land which fell to me by heirship from my deceased brother Joseph Rhem in Craven County, between flat Swamp and core Creek. This I want generally understood by all of my heirs. To my beloved daughter Emily Rhem, Martha A. West, Christiana Rhem and Nancy Rhem, I give and bequeath negroes Simon, Styre, Lunnun, Bob, Sam, Jim, Adam, George, Joseph, Benjamin, Else, Nancy, Sally, Primus, Aleck, Jeffrey, Venus, Abram, Carolina, Jacob, Penny, Julia, Phill, Mary, Eliza, Isaac, Henry, Edy, Betsy, Hannah, Henry, Susan, Primus, Harriet to be equally divided between the above mentioned heirs. To my beloved daughters Christiana Rhem and Nancy Rhem I give and bequeath each two beds, each with furniture complete. As for the remaining part of my property, I wish sold for to pay my just debts, funeral expences, and should there be more than sufficient I wish the proceeds to be equally divided between my four children, and I Melcher Rhem do by these presents constitute, make, and appoint my beloved son-in-law George W. West, Executor to this my last will and testament; hereby revoking all former wills and testaments by me heretofore make, and do by these presents formally declare this to be my last will and testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this nineteenth day of November; In the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and fifty. Signed M. Rhem Signed sealed before us as witnesses Jesse Jackson Lewis M. Loftin State of North Carolina, Lenoir County Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, January Term 1852. Then was the foregoing paper writing exhibited in open Court, by George W. West the executor therein named and the executor thereof as the last will and testament of Melcher Rhem dec'd duly proved by the oath of Jesse Jackson and Lewis M. Loftin the subscribing witnesses thereto. Let the same be recorded according to Law. And at the same time George W. West the executor therein named qualified as W. C. Loftin, Clk ___________________________________________________________________ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Martha Mewborn Marble <mmarble@erols.com> ___________________________________________________________________